September 28, 2011

Emma Watson with Vogue's Beauty Director

Emma visited Vogue today, and the Beauty Director, Sarah Brown, tweeted these pictures with some comments.

How chic! Emma Watson w the ring Solange Azagury-Partidge made in her favorite shade of Lancome's new lipstick, out Feb

My lovely hand model @EmWatson slipped her ring off her finger 4 this shot. exact shade: @lancomeparis Corail in Love
Source: Twitter via Blis @ Pottershots

Let's hope an interview will follow.


Anonymous said...

I love the ring. it's special yet it does not look cheap as many of rings like that. Emma is so cute in that flower dress XD!

Chris said...

The dress looks great on her, the ring has a classic cuteness/cheesiness to it that makes it work, and I love the little blush in her cheeks as she puts the ring on.