April 28, 2016

Emma Watson in NYC [April 27, 2016]



Anonymous said...

Love her casual look! New York is getting warmer it seems. Miss those Burberry trench coats she used to wear often at one time.
I wonder why she is in New York for sometime this trip.

Anonymous said...

Well, in another post, it said she bought a mattress in NYC, so I wonder if she has an apartment there.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

I don't think I've seen Denise with her this trip. I like Denise -- she keeps Emma safe. If she's not working with Emma anymore, I hope there's someone at least equally good doing that job!

Anonymous said...

^ I wouldn't hire an aging chain smoker as my security

just saying...

Anonymous said...

Eden, change a damn blog color/design, Emma isn't dead yet, make it brighter already, it's boring as ***k, real mood killer. Is it hard to design blog compared to Emma's personality? Smth summer-like, pink, blue, yellow, green, whatever else, like the world isn't filled with all those damn web-designers. There are people who love Emma, it's hard to look at her pretty face with all that dark/grim background.

Anonymous said...

Don't change the blog design Eden, it's fine the way it is.

Eden said...

As I said already, it's one thing to be insulting towards me, it's another to be insulting towards people leaving comments.

And as people are being so respectful in their demands, I'm probably going to keep that design a year or two.

Anonymous said...

remember that movie? called "smack her, she's french...slut")))same as you and those anon's))) your design sucks, can't wait when blogs/social networks will finally block you for posting pap photos/spreading Emma's personal info/internet stalking/whatever else concerning Emma, hopefully the order for it will come straight from Emma's team/agent, and I think I'm about to help them to get rid of you)

Anonymous said...

Can you please write sentences. I have no clue what you are saying.This sounds like Lady McBeth always washing her hands clean- the blood,the blood, the blood...

Anonymous said...

And there goes freedom of speech and media. Each celebrity buys into a life like that when they make certain choices.