June 18, 2018

Emma Watson to film an interview with Reni Eddo-Lodge in July

Hooray! Some news (even though it's not a movie)!

Hi Everyone,
Although its been a good few months since we finished the fantastic 'Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race' by Reni Eddo-Lodge, we are very excited to bring the news that Emma will be interviewing Reni sometime in July - and it will be captured on video exclusively for OSS!
We would therefore love to give you a chance to ask Reni a question in the comments section below - and Emma will pick a few to ask her! 
If questions could be in by June 30th it would be much appreciated. 
Many thanks,
The OSS Moderators

Here's the link if you have any question for the author: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/19391331-send-your-questions-for-emma-s-interview-with-reni-eddo-lodge


Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

...in which Ms. Eddo-Lodge will speak with an EXTREMELY white person about race! I'm not criticizing at all, but that does make me smile a bit.

Anonymous said...

Understandable though, considering the letter Emma wrote when she plugged this book on OSS.

Anonymous said...

Oh God make it stop. Give us something we can work with Emma.
