Emma didn't go to the ceremony, but she did go to an after-party with a friend. She wore on her arm an obvious-but-not-obvious-enough-for-some-people tatoo that said 'Times Up'. Media are having the time of their life because it should have said 'Time's Up' instead.
Did she decide to ditch colours forever or did she not get the memo that this was not an "let's all wear black" event, who knows?

* * *

She looked great! So classy like Hollywood from good old days. simply perfect
She's amazing!
(I do hope the tat's a temp, though...)
The tatoo is a transfer. One shower and it's gone.
I assumed as much, but good to have confirmation.
The bangs are growing on me. This won't ever be my favorite hairstyle of hers but she looks absolutely gorgeous here.
She looks absolutely wonderful! ♥
Thanks for posting the pictures, Eden! Hope you're doing well. :)
I share your feelings of frustration- with the media and the social media comments.
I think donating 1.4 million$ to kickstart the TimesUp Legal defense fund among many other things she's done and is doing (with regards to her activism) is enough to "prove" that she's not just "virtue-signalling" with a nice tattoo. Sigh.
Sue looks absolutely Amazing !! Of course it's black again but I think that the sort of necklace (I don't know how you can call it ) changed everything. It's so simple and gorgeous at the time. Anyway that's my opinion.
Oh! And the pictures are amazing thanks you Eden to share all of this with us.
Not a fan of the hair but I was expecting something terrible concerning her style so this is a relief.
Chord Overstreet was also at some Oscar parties. I wonder if they purposely went to seperate ones.
I think coulour is gone forever because she hates to get attention. Feels like she'll forever stay as low key as possible.
That being said, I love the dress! Somehow I was half expecting nothing, half expecting something not very pretty. (But then beauty is not what matters most, but eh I'm an old fan)
I really like the necklace twist.
I however definitely hate the hairstyle, but I'll me honest I wouldn't mind if she had a bright smile on her face.
To finish with, I'm glad we get some pictures.
Dress and make up are good, hairstyle horrible
If cleopatra rose from the dead, I'd suppose she would look like this. So I think she looks a bit like cleopatra ����. An attractive cleopatra.
The top of her dress is nice but that haircut tho XD She looks like she fell under a lawnmower XD
I can imagine it’s hard to give a believable smile in front of all those crazy photographers but damn... This is a resting bich face from a whole new level.
What are you doing, Eden? You're providing the crazy Chord people with ammunition. Not saying that there's no way they're dating, but the amount of conjecture about the two around here is staggering.
It's Wuuuuv, Twoo Wuuuuv....!
Yeah they dating lool.
Emma isn't done with colored dresses please. lol. She does however look great and better than anyone did at the actual oscars last night.
"What are you doing, Eden? You're providing the crazy Chord people with ammunition. Not saying that there's no way they're dating, but the amount of conjecture about the two around here is staggering."
Quoting myself here.
Just noticed Emma's wearing a man's jacket while Chord isn't wearing one. It's not farfetched to think it's his. That convinces me, they're dating. I'm now officially one of the crazy Chord people.
How did chord even get in with her, he seems a bit immature.
haha emma put up on her twitter "Fake tattoo proofreading position available. Experience with apostrophes a must." at least she can laugh at herself!! :)
Is her stylist still the same? Her style lately seems different from her "B&B" promo tour, so I'm curious to know.
different jacket
Anon re: stylist
Probably the same woman- they've talked before about creating mood boards for individual promotion cycles. She was going for a specific vibe for Beauty and the Beast (princess), the same way she did for Noah (monochrome, sleek, tailored, bold lip), and even later Harry Potter cycles.
My guess is what we are seeing with no project to promote is a little closer to her natural style.
its the same jacket plus chord arrived with one and left without one tbh. Eden do you think they are dating
"How did chord even get in with her, he seems a bit immature."
He does. I'm sure he's nice and all but he just seems like such a frat boy when I see him in vids with his friends and I can't picture her hanging out with them at all. But lol that he walks behind her like all the other ones.
He does not come across as a bright guy at all. He seems like the type to happily follow her like puppy. He let Emma Roberts treat him like dirt years back. Pathetic.
Would you draw similarities between chord and matt janney?. Chord really sounds and behaves like a little boy tbh.
"I think coulour is gone forever because she hates to get attention. Feels like she'll forever stay as low key as possible."
erm...she robbed a pharoah's tomb for her necklace and had a bloody large statement tattoo on her arm. About the only attention grabbing items missing were a headdress and a unicycle.
"Fake tattoo proofreading position available. Experience with apostrophes a must." I love her! I guess she's laughing at herself, but a definite dig at the media! Lol.
I mean, it was a stencil temp tattoo missing a tiny line in the place where the apostrophe should be, and it made headlines and garnered so many negative comments. Wtf?
She probably wore it because she thought it looked cool or something, and i thought it did too, but why so much scrutiny?
They are 100% dating. How can anyone still deny that?
People here discussing her tattoo and relationship status, and me here fangirling over Emma hard for being more relatable and normal by not waxing/shaving her arm. I find it kinda adorable that she doesn't give a damn!
Before a controversy erupts, just want to put it out there that waxing/shaving is an individual choice, and it cannot be imposed on anyone. Some people do not find time. Some people just don't care. While there are others who freak out over minor hair growth.
I don't even know what you are talking about
Is Chord supposed to be the guy in a blue vest next to her? If so, why is he and a few other guys all wearing the same outfit in the video?
Nevermind, i see Chord behind her.
Chord is the guy in the white shirt who chews with his mouth wide open. He has given Emma his jacket. The blue vest men work for the party. He is walking behind her like she always make the men she dates.
They are dating or at least sleeping with each other.
Totally random and surprising couple.
"she hates to get attention" LMFAO. She's no Jenner, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like attention. She always tries to do something that makes her stand out. She's just being subtle about it.
I dont care if they are dating or sleeping together, its none of my or anyone else's business. Never understood why people get so invested in other people's personal lives as if it affects them in some way. Lol
OMG! True.. Like, mind ur own bussiness please -_-
If we would all mind our own business we wouldnt be talking here nor would we follow any Emma news or any other celeb.
They are both famous they know the business they know the deal they get the perks. No need to feel bad for them.
Emma dating the 15th lead on Glee is kind of embarassing. As a young woman you like those pretty frat boys. But with almost 28 she shouldnt be dating a guy who looks like he is in a boy band. He doesnt have any kind of education this wont last.
Has nothing to do about feeling bad for them it's just that doesn't make any sense for anyone to be upset or ridiculing who they're dating it's kind of stupid if you ask me. I get talking about her career or activism but don't understand the whole oh my God she's dating so and so it just makes no sense to me.
"Feels like she'll forever stay as low key as possible"
If you want to be low key you do not go to the Vanity Fair after party that is the mot A-List party in the world. You also dont date a famous musician/actor.
I realise Emma likes her privacy, but I must say this picture came to mind looking at she and Chord.
You seem to be the only one upset about anything.
Dj Anubis said...
Has nothing to do about feeling bad for them it's just that doesn't make any sense for anyone to be upset or ridiculing who they're dating it's kind of stupid if you ask me. I get talking about her career or activism but don't understand the whole oh my God she's dating so and so it just makes no sense to me.
Not upset at all just asking a question. You do seem to be pretty defensive though LOL
Thats a booty call. Does anyone seriously believe Emma dates Chord Overstreet? They are boning thats all. He looks great but he is no one you commit too.
the person in blue is not chord overstreet
He is the person in the white shirt. How often do we have to point that out? The blue ones are valets. Emma is heading home with Chord wearing his jacket.
Thanks Jackie for answering my question about her stylist/style! Now I get it.
Dj Anubis, I get your point and I agree. Some people see celebrities' lives as some kind of entertainment show, I guess.
Why are you all so quick to judge that Emma is sleeping with someone. She could be with someone you havent seen her with yet for all you know. Kinda creepy
From the Celebitchy comments section: "She’s also dating Chord Overstreet from Glee now. I think that describes the state of her career and life quite well. " xD
"Why are you all so quick to judge that Emma is sleeping with someone. She could be with someone you havent seen her with yet for all you know. Kinda creepy"
That guy would be MIGHTY pissed about seeing this video. Do you want to see your partner with another mans jacket and clearly heading home together to spent the night?? After they went to an intimate concert together?
The fact they dare to say something about the state of her life, as implying hers is miserable or whatever, is so fucking despicable that persone and you should be ashamed. That is a new low even for haters.
You can also just ignore posts you dont like.
What I am curious about is that Chord has been very public with his love life and also with his posts on instagram. Which are now deleted. He still posts videos tho.
I wonder if Emma will also be way more open. Maybe we will get Chord singing Emma a song for her birthday posted on his social media.
"No just reality checkers."
Yeah, no. Being negative 24/7 about someone doesn't mean you're being realistic or whatever you want to call it. You don't know what she is or isn't doing behind-the-scenes, what projects she has or hasn't in store. I understand people blaming stans for being blinded and always worshipping, but trolls being negative all the time and never finding good in literally anything she does is also another extreme that doesn't make sense at all. It's not being objective nor realistic.
Nooo please just remove trolling or gross comments. Dont let a few trolls ruin it for everyone else.
Emma and Chord seems very random. He doesnt seem intelluctal at all but maybe she got sick of that.
"The fact they dare to say something about the state of her life, as implying hers is miserable or whatever, is so fucking despicable that persone and you should be ashamed. That is a new low even for haters."
""No just reality checkers."
Yeah, no. Being negative 24/7 about someone doesn't mean you're being realistic or whatever you want to call it. You don't know what she is or isn't doing behind-the-scenes, what projects she has or hasn't in store. I understand people blaming stans for being blinded and always worshipping, but trolls being negative all the time and never finding good in literally anything she does is also another extreme that doesn't make sense at all. It's not being objective nor realistic."
Well said
These haters are absolute sad sacks. Emma looked beautiful by the way, she is a classic beauty.
"These haters are absolute sad sacks. Emma looked beautiful by the way, she is a classic beauty."
Yet all you say about Emma is how beautiful she is. Talk about her talent or lack of it instead for a change?
I guess it's a difficult concept to comprehend for a brainless monkey like you, but he/she probably commented on her beauty because this thread is just pictures of her at an event , so the focus is on how she looks. Also, I find her also very talented. Happy now?
middle aged man stan?
How is he brainless? He like I has formed the conclusion her acting isn't all that. Now her so called activism? Yawn. When she moves on to forcing tax dodgers to pay their own fair share I'll listen.
Guess I must be a troll then? I never said I wasn't a fan anymore. But at least I'm not one of those fools who want to know where she is 24/7 and who she is dating. It's her private business.
She has been a disappointment since HP. I'd like you to counter that argument.
From Washington Post: "Because just outside the restroom, on a velvet couch in the ladies lounge, Emma Watson must be having some sort of crisis of confidence, but a friend is holding Watson’s face in her hands and murmuring, “You are amazing. You are amazing. Your face is so symmetrical.”
She was probably super nervous about meeting handsome Chord.
"I'd like you to counter that argument." she was in the 3rd biggest film of the last year. Enough as a counter argument?
"I'd like you to counter that argument." she was in the 3rd biggest film of the last year. Enough as a counter argument?
Would have still been the 3rd without her. That counter yours?
Tell me why isn't she working with the best film makers? It's because she isn't very good. She has been reduced to publicity stunts with tattoos for christ sake.
"she was in the 3rd biggest film of the last year. Enough as a counter argument?"
Means nothing. Her performance was not well received outside the usual Hollywood suck up sites. Some of the scenes she showed no emotion at all - not even her eye brows saved her this time.
LOL how does it means nothing?
you should stop saying things that are objectively false : her performance was well received by every online mag that actually counts
The overruse of that argument is getting absolutely ridiculous and hilarious XD how do you even know it would have been without her? And even if it was mathematically certa in why does it matter when SHE was parte of it, not you, not another actress but Emma herself. Lol
ahahahahahaha really yet not one nomination of significance not even a golden globe nom
If Emma was such a success she would be storming it headlining something big next or having something lined up pretty big. But nothing. Reduced to holidays and cutting her own hair.
I'd rather she be with Leonardo Di Caprio than that stupid Chord.
Also her hair needs to change and she needs a movie ASAP to get her ground back.(A good one not a flop) the only two good movies she made was BATB and HP series.....
Her activism is getting old and too much. Shes too obvious about it.
I used to love her, but her actions are just not ideal
Online, everyone is making fun of her hair. Who would cut their hair like this.
Reading about what came on Washington post, is making me sad. Why is Emma unsure about her looks, is she insecured about something.
I feel bad for her.
Emma looks so great & beautiful, awesome. ❤
Washington Post story is making me sad too. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/tiffany-haddishs-sisterhood-of-the-powder-room-and-other-scenes-inside-oscars-most-elite-party/2018/03/05/2d6b195c-205b-11e8-94da-ebf9d112159c_story.html?utm_term=.cc09496b79b6
He is the person in the white shirt. How often do we have to point that out? The blue ones are valets. Emma is heading home with Chord wearing his jacket.
i see. they all have their jackets removed
The Washington post behind the scenes "Emma Watson must be having some sort of crisis of confidence, but a friend is holding Watson’s face in her hands and murmuring, “You are amazing. You are amazing. Your face is so symmetrical.” everyone has mini-breakdowns, even the b.e.a.utiful ones!!
I reckon the friend was the girl seen leaving in between her and chord; wearing white. I think it's the same girl seen with her in Paris and London not too long ago. Anyone know who this is? Personal Assistant/best friend maybe??
It's not the same girl!
well dang, do we know who either of them are?!
The girl behind Emma is not the same as the one in Paris
I think Emma is a bit of a insecured person, she is especially not sure about her acting talent and feels afraid how people will judge her performances. I got that feeling in some of her batb interviews. I think tattoo was a bad idea, it looks like a desperate attempt to be of some relevance and comes across as desperate and childish. I feel bad for her.
Hasn't Emma had a nose job? Such a shame she felt she had to do that and lose weight. Hollywierd eh? Don't you just love it!
So has she permantely moved to LA? She always uproots her entire life for a guy. Why doesn Chord move to england?
"I think Emma is a bit of a insecured person, she is especially not sure about her acting talent and feels afraid how people will judge her performances. I got that feeling in some of her batb interviews. I think tattoo was a bad idea, it looks like a desperate attempt to be of some relevance and comes across as desperate and childish. I feel bad for her."
Dont feel bad for her, she doesnt. She even laughed it off today after announcing her new book for the book club she is in. Her quote,
"Having always felt deeply impatient and limited by having to express myself in perfect grammar and punctuation (this was pre-apostrophe gate!), I am quietly reveling in the profundity of Mailhot’s deliberate transgression in Heart Berries and its perfect results. I love her suspicion of words."
Dear Teen Vogue and W Magazine... it's amusing that you say people should respect Emma and Chord's privacy or focus on the other things Emma does after you just spent two paragraphs talking all about how Chord and Emma might be dating LOL!
This stuff actually screams PR to me but who knows.
She keeps trading down. This new guy is another average, even slightly odd looking guy, kinda like the last one. Then again none of the guys she's dated have been anything spectacular in the looks department, except for that super handsome Oxford rugby star. I think Emma even realized she was out of her league with that guy.
The girl behind Emma does look like the one she has been hanging around with lately.
Emma being insecure about looks, seems strange. Can that article be trusted
Talk about her talent or lack of it instead for a change?
she's extremely talented, shes refreshing compared to the sea of terrible actresses in hollywood you jealous girl and or sperg
Means nothing. Her performance was not well received outside
Are you a naive little girl who thinks that critics and awards matter when they've been mostly dishonest for decades? Emma was fantastic. And the film grossed way over what it was projected.
Eden do you think Chord is her beard due to the certain rumors about him? She is dated him to up her profile again?
What rumors? He played a gay guy and seems pretty beta but other than that I dont think he is gay if thats what you are implying. Also why would Emma now use a famous "beard"? Dating low key non famous men has worked out very well in terms of not being in the spotlight. This already is getting way more attention than her other boyfriends.
This has nothing to do with bearding. No one really thinks about Emma in that way and it wouldnt ruin her career anyway.
I could see it being for publicity. Emma needs it, she hasnt worked in a long while and he doesnt seem to be her type at all. They were all educated and non famous and he is now a non educated famous man. Maybe like Johnny Simmons but I think he went to Uni after his fling with Emma.
Chord also has new music coming out so he will profit of this.
The various attempts at dissection of their relationship in this thread baffles me somewhat.
Why does it have to be any more than two people meet, get on well together and decide to date?
No ulterior motives, no judgements on the other's suitability as a long term partner, just a multi-millionaire well educated English feminist dating a country music hick.
"Are you a naive little girl who thinks that critics and awards matter when they've been mostly dishonest for decades? Emma was fantastic. And the film grossed way over what it was projected."
No but your probably a naive middled aged man who thinks Emma is a credible actress.
"Dating low key non famous men has worked out very well in terms of not being in the spotlight. This already is getting way more attention than her other boyfriends."
There is a reason for this. She/Her PR is trying to use this to stay in the spotlight as she has no acting career at the moment. We will be seeing more of Emma so to speak private life. Just watch.
"There is a reason for this. She/Her PR is trying to use this to stay in the spotlight as she has no acting career at the moment. We will be seeing more of Emma so to speak private life. Just watch."
I don't know about that but HE is trying to have a music career so this will definitely raise his profile. He has fans but a lot of people have never even heard of him.
"No but your probably a naive middled aged man who thinks Emma is a credible actress."
I'm not middle aged and she's definitely a credible actress, honey, where have you been. She's one of the few her age that actually can play different characters and act differently. I bet you think Emma Stone and Jlaw can act, lmfao, both play themselves horribly in everything. Are you a girl or just that bitter? Most actresses are not credible nor worth a damn. She has and will continue to be and upset you along the way.
We will see. If this stays lowkey its real, if Chord releases new music soon we will also know its fake.
So they are either dating or just screwing? That's the takeaway here? This is so dumb. Instead of playing the 'are they or aren't they' game I wish she was promoting upcoming projects or roles.
They are just screwing. No way will Emma date someone who never went to Uni. Its just physical. She she'll dump him the moment she gets bored of his pretty face.
Here we go:
I want to die.
One does not need uni to be smart. I have seen very stupid uni graduates, that have a higher degree but are unable to make it out there. And then you have entrepreneurs without a degree making a difference. A degree is important but it is not everything. Chord is a good muscicioan; he learned his craft from somewhere.
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