Emma était présente à la fête organisée pour les pré-BAFTAs hier soir à l'Almadar Bar. Elle portait une robe Mark Fast ainsi que son trench coat Burberry spécialement fait pour elle.
Elle s'est ensuite rendue au Mahiki club accompagnée de son amie Sophie Sumner.
Source: I heart Watson
Elle s'est ensuite rendue au Mahiki club accompagnée de son amie Sophie Sumner.
Sources: JJ, Isopix, Belga, SuperiorPics
Article Dailymail:
When faced with hordes of eager autographs-seekers and photographers as they left a party, Harvey Weinstein thought he would do the chivalrous thing and assist Emma Watson to their waiting car.
But the young Harry Potter didn't appear too impressed as the movie moul got a little too grabby - especially as she was wearing her £1,700 Burberry Prorsum trench coat.
The pair partied at Mahiki nightclub until 3am after attending a pre-BAFTA Awards party thrown by Weinstein at swanky Almada bar and restaurant in Mayfair.
When faced with hordes of eager autographs-seekers and photographers as they left a party, Harvey Weinstein thought he would do the chivalrous thing and assist Emma Watson to their waiting car.
But the young Harry Potter didn't appear too impressed as the movie moul got a little too grabby - especially as she was wearing her £1,700 Burberry Prorsum trench coat.
The pair partied at Mahiki nightclub until 3am after attending a pre-BAFTA Awards party thrown by Weinstein at swanky Almada bar and restaurant in Mayfair.

Source: Dailymail
WOW elle était tout sauf splendide ! La robe qui vraiment laide, le maquillage, la coupe trop longue qui ne ressemble à rien et le manteau qui fait trop court... sans oublier la tronche qu'elle tire sur toutes les photos ... BEURK !! Je pensais pas un jour pouvoir le penser d'elle. J'ai hâte de voir ce que ça va donner au Bafta...
J'avoue que je ne trouve pas le maquillage et la coupe top, même pas terrible du tout. Mais j'aime beaucoup la robe, mais pas sur elle. Je pense qu'elle ne devrait pas même mettre de robe qui a ce genre de haut, ça ne valorise pas ses épaules du tout. Mais pour le manteau, rien à dire, j'en suis amoureuse :p
the sleeves ruin the whole coat. she looks so pretty though :)
De rien ^^
Toi aussi eden tu as eu le coup de foudre pour son trench :D
Je me pose juste une question pourquoi à la photo tout en bas on voit que le garde du corps tiens par les bras Emma ? On peu imagine comme ça qu'elle voulait frappé quelqu'un :S
haha, je voudrais bien voir Emma puncher un paparazzi une fois, ce serait marrant. Mais ce n'est pas un garde du corps, c'est Harvey Weinstein, un producteur de films. D'après l'article, fasse à tous les photographes il a voulu la raccompagner jusqu'à sa voiture.
Is it just me or doesn't she look really happy outside?
Lol moi qui pensait que c'était un garde du corps (il a tout pour il est assez costaud ^^).
And yes I have the same opinion that anonymous. Maybe she was anger because there were too many paparazzis.
Haha, she rarely looks happy when people are taking her picture outside. I don't think its cos she doesn't like the invasion of space (cos its no different to taking your picture when you're at a table talking - which is in my opinion worse because sometimes the facial expression they catch can be really bad!) but I think it makes it difficult to figure out where you're supposed to be going cos there are so many people in the way!
Not that I'm famous or anything, but whenever there are a lot of people wanting my attention, I always get a little disoriented and confused!
I also don't like the whole ensemble! I HATE to say it, but her head looks way bigger and out of proportion than her body in all these pics! And gosh that skirt is short, Miss 'I don't wear short skirts!' But like Eden, I love the coat!
For a girl that claims to support Fair Trade and organic clothing she really knows how to wear the high end stuff and push Burrberry while she is no longer the face of it.
I cant blame her for not wanting to sign autographs because they'd come in droves to get one and she'd be there all night. I personally think autographs is lowering yourself anyway.
Brown's campus has changed a lot lately
Lol anons above. How does she expect to be treated as any other normal Brown student? If i was that person that emma denied giving an autograpgh to I'd go recruit hundreds of people to bombard her if she is actually still attending brown when she returns.
She's at Brown to study. I totally understand that she refuses to give autographs when she's there. There's a time for promotion and public life and there's a time for study.
priority is the acting and fashion, the rest when you have some time that simple
Eden you cannot have it both ways. you can be famous one day and not be the next. Thats not how it works. shes a spoiled little brat.
I can't even take @Eechee Wah-Wah seriously. Every single post of his/her's is degrading and one-sided. Okay, so maybe you can't have it both ways, though I highly doubt that you were ever even in a similar situation...but it definitely does not mean that Emma can't do whatever she wants. I think she's at the liberty of making her own decisions, free from what you think or believe. You have to understand that everything she says and does can be blown up consequentially by the media and conveyed in a manner different than what she initially intended. She's not perfect, but nobody is; I respect Emma a lot more than some of the other Hollywood media stars because she's worked hard and has stayed a good role model through all the fabricated media madness and supposed scandals (overhyped by people like you). You're just seeing what you want to see, and if she bothers you so much, gain some maturity and stop coming here and bothering everyone else. I really appreciate Eden for her efforts, and can't comprehend how she's able to deal with all the crap you keep spouting.
anons above I use to think like you and then my brain returned because emma's spell no longer works on me.
I disagree and say that you are seeing what you only want to see. I am going off her actions compared to her words.
Check out my blog and I have so far made my point on many things. Emma is a hypocrite and not what or who she states she is.
I got more things to post there regarding the last fews years. She embellishes alot and makes a lot of excuses for many things.
Instead of taking so many pics,why don't they just make one footage?!
I know emma digs older men but not grandpa.. partying to 3am? lol
LOL. I read earlier in another post someone said she could play Peter Pan and that photo of her beng held makes me think she could. I bet gay men are attracted to her.
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