Rumour : According to larena Emma was in Verona, Italy, during two days last week in the hotel "Sogno di Giulietta", she asked for two rooms, one for her and one for a friend. It is also mentioned that she was in Italy to buy a house because she wanted to spend her holidays in the country. A businessman from Milan, Alejandro Proto, confirmed that she was there. There's also a rumor about Emma in a new photohoot in Italy, entirely dedicated to Hermione Granger, the magazine will be available on July. In the picture above, Emma was aparently there (Look at the sunshade, it is write "Amaro Montenegro" a brand of an Italian liqueur).
Source : Larena
Yes I know, this is the only one I found :/ But I do think it's her because she looks like her but it can be a fake :S
I have my doubts, I only see him a leg, not to mention the effect of movement is not the same from the waist down.
oh my god!this is a wonderfull new!!I really hope that it's true cause I'm an italian girl, so it could be a fantastic occasion for me to meet Emma <3
p.s. I can confirm you that "Amaro Montenegro" is a brand of an Italian liqueur
Thanks Anon! If it's true, it will be great if you meet her but I don't think you will 'cause Emma came back in the US now :/
As I said Carto, I do not know if this picture is a fake or not, but I remember the top she's wearing (I think) :
certainly the top is identical. : ) was just an opinion, I'm no expert much less :(
any clue to as her friend?
Im pretty sure that is emma. I recognize the top and I know the face is blurry but im %100 sure. I wonder if that friend was johnny?
I have no idea if it's Johnny, maybe after all :) I heard that him and Emma had a photoshoot with all the crew and they didn't come, nobody saw them, maybe they came later or in the night...
if it was johnny they are dating, you dont take a "friend" you know for some weeks to buy a house. we shouldnt believe every post on facebook/twitter though.
its only an umbrella this could also be in hungary or russia. for example. i saw a jagermeister umbrella in the usa and thats a german brand. moreover we dont know when the pic was taken. her hair looks not as if it was taken that weekend.
Also: when were the MTV Awards? werent they at the same time?
Lexa, we dont know about the shoot exactly. its from a site were fans post info that can be flawed. maybe they werent needed. i dont think they would forget something like that if they were needed.
"a friend" would mean someone her age, not the blonde lady. and two rooms could be cover over for a boyfriend.
!only speculating!
Two rooms as a cover for a boyfriend is just ludicrous.
This is 21st century - people having sex is normal.
... but then again there are couples who put off sex at least for a while
all in all, just too few clues to really speculate on :)
Don't worry, I don't think that every information is true, I just let you know the things peaople heard and said about Emma!
Anon, I agree, this umbrella can be in the usa, maybe we'll have more informations later with real pictures (when she will spend her holidays in Italy) if the information is true of course :)
anon 6/21/2011 10:31:00 AM:
im not saying emma is not having sex. she wants to hide her relationships from the public. if you have two rooms it will look like friends and no one suspects anything.
emma is recognized everywhere and a guy standing next to her is her rumored boyfriend, so what do you think will happen if someone talks about emma getting one room with a guy?
@anon 6/21/2011 10:38:00 AM
if you are in such a new relationship you dont "put off" sex for a while. maybe if you are together for a couple of years. and then you can still sleep in the same bed without having sex.
all in all too less infos and sources. Plus: why should emma make such a long flight in the middle of shooting a movie? im sure after potter she will be in europe anyway and could have bought/inspected a house then.
one more thing "a friend" doesnt even specify on the gender.
It looks like a ghost to me :/
The friend could have been her PA that travels with her, the blonde lady. I don't know when this would have been as she's been in Pittsburgh, la and Dallas. Also the picture is really vague.
I agree with @carto. where is the leg?
do you know DM took down the article of her in dallas? I wonder why? ONTD did the same thing.
no @ anis. probably johnny in moments of wild sex, he ate the leg : )
They probably took the Dallas article down because of issues with the pictures, they probably didn't ask TMZ if they could use them!
If she even was in Italy I'd imagine she took her PA. I can't imagine she was there very recently though, you wouldn't fly back across the atlantic for that really, it might have been before she went to do perks.
I would find it very hard to believe she was in Italy recently, I'd imagine it's either before she went out to do perks or it isn't Italy, an advert on an umbrella means nothing, in London you have all different beers/wines etc of different origin on stuff all the time. I think this is taking analsying and speculating to the extreme.
If she was in Italy at any point looking at houses, I'd imagine she brought she PA, that friend could only mean someone her age is a strange statement, I refer to people of all ages as friends. Also the info that she even had a friend there, or was even there herself is unreliable, so analyzing use of words is pretty pointless, the person supposedly quoted mightn't have actually said that, if they said anything or exist at all.
A very unreliable piece that she may have been in Italy, it may have been recently and she may have had someone with her. Thats all this is and the speculation has gone a bit wild. If that's even a real picture it I can't say how any one could be certain it's her, or where it is. That a friend is mentioned and people start talking about her and Johnnys sexlife just shows why she hasn't gone public with a boyfriend. I very very much doubt she was in Italy as recently as it claims and I think its incredibly unlikely that Johnny was with her.
Also as someone said I reckon the articles got pulled due to issues with the pics. They were originally from Facebook and twitter, TMZ appeared to have copyrighted them and I doubt the DM or ONTD had permission. Media sites generally don't use pics that are tagged like that.
All other articles that just had the story but not the pics are still up, so I think that gives you an answer.
I'd say if she was there it was a while ago and not last week.
Is she still in Verona ?
No I think she's back in Pittsburgh having returned from Dallas.
anon 6/21/2011 02:01:00 PM
i do not think so. her PA is visibly older than emma (no offense) people wouldnt call her a friend.
the theme of "johnny" have taken too seriously .. que cachondeo
I think you're over analyzing words which may not have even been used. They could have said Emma booked two rooms for her and someone else, I think you're being over literal. Also the DM has referee to the blond lady as a friend several times...
Who an observer would call a friend is totally subjective, those words may not have been used, this may never have even happened. Don't take that the supposed source or anyone even said 'friend' as gospel. I think people are taking a tiny bit of info that might be totally fabricated or might not have been what was said or done and are running a mile with it. Imagination is a wonderful thing.
@anis usted habla español?
desde que naci je,je .me da gusto encontrar otros fans de emma que me entiendan:),admiro a emma muchisimo, pero tambien soy critica "constructiva",:)mi ingles es muy malo, a mi me recomendaron este blog. pero estoy notando algunos extremistas:( .mucho saludos :)
"""sorry for the off-topic"""
@anis, hola tambien me da mucho gusto . este blog es uno de los mejores sobre emma, la gente es cool. : ) "sobre los extremistas" es que algunos enemigos an estado insultando a emma y a eden. : ( ,por lo general es un blog muy tolerante y equilirado. obviamente mi ingles tambien es horrible :D. espero que te quedes , nos vemos.....
Emma was back on set in Pittsburgh Monday morning. She met with the guy asking fan questions and other members of the media. Several people tweeter about her including some journos, extras and a guy who works in a restaurant in Pittsburgh, they all said she was lovely and some were quite funny! Apparently she's very busy with shooting this week.
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