November 15, 2011

New candid picture of Emma Watson in Oxford

Credit: Tumblr


Anonymous said...

There's a lot of news going around Tumblr saying that Emma takes Ritalin to control her ADHD induced hyperactivity. Is this something new that she just revealed? It's on She gives little factoids about Emma that we don't know. This one was revealed tonight. Any truth to this?

I sort of believe it, I mean she does seem very uppity sometimes.

Eden said...

That's not something new but that's not something that comes directly from Emma so it's just a rumour.

Serge said...

You know, I can't agree. Read about the Indigo Children and you'll guess that it might not be a rumour. There was a book about it,by some american female author, just forgot her name. Lot of young people and children who were born between 1970-1990,who are potential "Indigo Children" has ADHD diagnosis,that's because they're,well,"too much" talented,smart,active,else. They're called a new race,new generation of the world,they're just simply better than any of us. You remember, Eden, once somebody here asked me,am I seeing. Well,not,but I've always thought that Emma is one of them,"Indigo Children". BTW, my mom truely believes that me too. My mom's intuition never failed me nor her.

Emmy said...

The book you're talking about was written by a woman with no qualifications in the field of psychology, neurology, brain chemistry, etc, who essentially bought a degree online, then commercialized the heap of nonsense which are the "Indigo Children". There's no such thing. There's no evidence of it. It's a well agreed upon theory amongst experts, that a lot children with ADHD learn more quickly, are more active, and are very intelligent. If Emma does have ADHD, then I imagine this is a reason why she is doing well. I would suggest, Serge, you have a little faith in Emma as a person, instead of putting it down to her some kind of super-human. She's smart, she's talented, and she's active. Give the girl a little credit, and stop believing in such nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Emma is too focused to be ADHD. I agree that ADHD children are known to be very intelligent, but these children have to learn how to focus on how to evaluate and use all these extra synapses.

Anonymous said...

Interesting connection, the german physician and author of Struvwellpeter and Zappelphilip, describing problem children, was a ADHS child, which he pictures in his picture stories. Later these books became known as the black pedagogy-(Schwarze Pädagogik). It would be incorrect to label these books as such in postmodern time since education has an extensive evaluation of ADHS. But we easily get bogged in old terms which are basically unrealistic and incorrect as research corrects premature assumptions.
I don't believe Emma is an ADHS- like Al said, she is too focused and seems multi-tasked- and successfully.

Anonymous said...

"She's too focused" is not a serious argument, cause according to the source, she's on medication for it. It's not the first time I hear about it, I'm pretty sure that she does have it, I once read it from a pretty reliable source.

Anonymous said...

ADHD people have been found to have this thing called "hyper focus" and they tend to be towards things they love... So don't think that ADHD people tend to be totally unable to focus well enough...

Anonymous said...

ADHD is in actuality very seldom for females. But looking at how she deals with education and jumping from one limb to another like a monkey- let the right role come along- or any role, as it seems lately. But she is extremely intelligent, and intelligence can be a burden when your mind is forever reevaluating new possibilities.

Anonymous said...

With Ritalin could explain her body proportions. I have read that in the past Ritalin has stunted growth. Or is this another myth?!

Anonymous said...

Watching Emma through the media, facebook and everything else that is offered to us becomes clear to me that she has issues. But most very talented people have and had issues.

Anonymous said...

People taking Ritalin often have some tics, just like Emma. Wouldn't be surprised if it was true. And btw, ADHD is not that seldom for women, there's more boys diagnosed with it in childhood, but the "serious" cases that persists through adulthood are as frequent in men than women. I tend to believe Emma does have ADHD.