July 09, 2012

Emma Watson having lunch at Fred's at Barneys New York

Credit: Annadcosta


Anonymous said...

So she is living in nyc at the moment. She looks very pretty in the picture. It is very nice of her to pose with the family. A little family had a happy moment.

Anonymous said...

She looks very thin. Was she there with Will?

Chris said...

Cute picture but I don't know if I like the light of God in the top left corner. She was apparently at Strand Burgers yesterday too according to their own twitter account.

Anonymous said...

Is emma planning to enroll in university in nyc?

Tia said...

Omg I wish I knew how long she's staying! I'll be in NYC from Wednesday till saturday!!!

Anonymous said...

She has lost a lot of weight, its worrying, but isn't it for a role in which the character has an eating disorder?

Eden said...

I don't understand why people are always commetning on her weight loss. She seems to only have lost the weight she had gained, she has always been very thin/skinny.

coslopus said...

I don't get the fascination with her weight, either. She doesn't look any thinner or thicker than she did 1 month ago or 1 year ago. She looks normal for her age/height. I see nothing worrying about her look. I think she looks beautiful in this pic.

I remember the first time I heard fans comment that she looked too thin was at Rupert's London premiere of Driving Lessons in 2006. It's been the same old story ever since.

Anonymous said...

What I think people are focussing on is her collar bone protruding out of her chest. She does look slightly thinner, but I think it's an illusion. Look at the position she's standing in. Maybe The way she's leaning makes it look like weight loss.

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with Eden , emma normally a thin girl , gaining some weight and then losing it .

Jason said...

I wonder if she's gonna comeback after Noah shooting or stay there until uni starts.

Anonymous said...

I do think she has lost a little weight over the year (i thought her legs looked a little bit skinnier at the mtv movie awards than last years mtv awards). I do believe she is dieting more than a few years ago. But right now she seems to be healthy, and thats what counts. But I dont get why people comment about it on every new picture. I see change in her weight over the years, but you cant tell she lost or gaines weight from pictures between 2 weeks.

sparkvark111 said...

She did gain a little (stress, a little) during the Deathly Hollows promotion through the new years holiday (2010-2011), but she has lost some over the last year and seems more toned. She exercises when she has the chance as she has stated previously. As long and you eat and exercise the right way, there is no problem.

Anonymous said...

Dear god. She's fine. Some people are just naturally skinny. Look at Alexa Chung, or Keira Knightley as proof. Emma seems healthy enough to me, usually eating disorders are accompanied with strange behavouir patterns - from what we've seen: she has none.

stiffler said...

sooo she officially lives in nyc now???

Anonymous said...

She has no eating disorder. People that know her are witness of a healthy appetite. But I do think she is preparing for Your Voice with soem weight loss. Her neck is longer and her collar bone has protruded out.

Anonymous said...

When does her next term at Brown university begin?

Anonymous said...

I don't get the weight problem either... she has always been thin and she gained quite a lot of weight/muscualr weight 2 years ago while in the States and last year at the premiere it was quite evident too... now she's just back to normal!

Anonymous said...

She looks pretty. The girls who took a picture with her are so lucky.

Anonymous said...

She isnt naturally as skinny as she has been lately. Have a look at her during the GoF premieres at 15/16, before she was involved in fashion. Petite, but average weight. She lost weight when she began involvement in fashion.

Anonymous said...

How do we know if she's healthy or not? We're not her dr or her best friend. We do not know her personally and we can not determin from one pic a week what her behaviour pattern is!! It's seems very bizarre to me how people think they know her from just looking at a 1 second snapshot!

Just because she is smiling for one second doesn't mean she must be happy! Unless we know her, we will never truly know her, how she is feelin, and what her personality is behind the cameras.

Her face does look a lot thinner nowadays.

Chris said...

@stiffler It seems that she owns a place in NYC but I think it's more of a base of operations than her new official home. Noah is starting to film in a few weeks so why not stay there for a while.

And as far as the picture and how she looks/weight loss, a picture is worth a thousand words but no one ever said those words had to be the truth.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess it really is true. No matter how big of a fan we are, and no matter how good the celebrity (because lets face it; Emma sits atop the list of current 'good girls' in this industry) people will always want to find something wrong with her...sad really.

Anonymous said...

but why buy a condo in nyc unless you plan on living there for a while and working there. like another blogger earlier i already wondered if she switched university to nyc. it would certainly make more sense then commuting to providence rhode island.

Anonymous said...

When will she finish her history degree at Brown? Didn't she study English at Oxford. Is she going for a double major or getting her masters in history after a full 5 years?

Anonymous said...

It's so sad how people are always body policing women. Too fat, too skinny... Every single picture is dissected to determine what's wrong with her body and to criticize. It's constant. Then the same people have the nerve to wonder why so many women develop eating disorders. It's comments like the ones above that create that atmosphere. :(

sparkvark111 said...

Anonymous (7/10/2012 07:07:00 PM), She is no longer majoring in ‘History,’ she majoring in ‘English.’

sparkvark111 said...

Anonymous (7/10/2012 09:31:00 AM), If she is going back to Brown in the fall semester, it will begin September 5, 2012.

sparkvark111 said...

I believe she wanted to get an apartment as a U.S. base and split time between New York and her London home.

Anonymous said...

It's smart for her to have a base in NY, she will probably also eventually purchase something in LA as well. The hubs for acting work are London, NY and LA. Her main home will probably always be London but she has the money to buy in the other places so she can be comfortable there and has her own place after work. It also shows the film people she's flexible. Most actors have properties in the main movie making cities. Dan has two in NY.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised she took a picture with fans; she usually refuses the request. I wonder why she let them take the picture?

Anonymous said...

Lovely human being .. <3

Anonymous said...

It would be easiest for her if she was attending Columbia U or NYU. Traveling to and fro from NYC to Providence could be a pain, depending how she has intervaled her classes to 5 classes 3x a week(Monday, Wednesday and Friday)or five classes 2x a week (Tuesday and Thursday. I do admire her for her stamina. Once she has the UNi business behind her she can really concentrate on her films. But after getting to know her ambitions through her own admittance, I'd dare to say she will eventually get an MA and even PHd. She did say in an interview once that she wants to go beyond a BA.

Anonymous said...

She refuses when she's at uni or when she's somewhere where she thinks she could be mobbed or that lots and lots of others will ask her for a photo. The place may not have been busy. If she'd have to spend an hour posing for photos because she posed for one do had to pose for everyone she'd have refused.

Anonymous said...

She won't commute from NY to providence. She'll live in providence if she goes back to Brown. Her NY apartment is a smart investment for her future career and will act as a base when she's in NY, that's all. She has property in London, Italy, France and now NY. She'll probably buy more.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody at the pottershots forum knwo or claim to know what Emma is up to university-wise or are they as clueless as us her?

Eden said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to stay at Oxford now. UK is her home, and it seems she had more stability studying.

Anna said...

I think buying the houses is a good investment anyhow. Financially, i mean. London and New York, that will stay in the market.

sparkvark111 said...

They start the reading of Noah today. From the Noah/NoƩ novel drawings that the will be based upon, it looks like it will be pretty exciting and epic movie. I am curious to see how this turns one out.

sparkvark111 said...

As many times a she will be traveling, having a home base is better than living out of a suitcase. Although as an actor, living in hotels is par for the course, it will make it a little easier an more convenient to have a place nearby to retreat to while in the states.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how strong the role of Ida is in Noah. I am really looking forward to this film.

Marcela said...

She looks pretty!!! And her hair grow very fast!!!

Anonymous said...

I doubt she will finish college. Her focus has obviously shifted from education to acting. Kind of makes you wonder !!

As for her weight, the thing that struck me was her ribcage peaking out beneath her collarbones. Or whatever those bones are. She diets, it's obvious, she should stop saying that she doesn't though !!

But as always, still very pretty!

Anonymous said...

^ Ila is a supporting role apparently, she is in a relationship or something with the second or third son. So it's Russel Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, the eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, the first wife, the second wife, then the third wife and the animals. So Emma is either the second or third wife.

Anonymous said...

Why would Emma leave college when she completed most of her degree? She has no project for the next autumn so it's likely she will go back, even though she might leave again in 2013 to film "Your voice in my head".
The only reason why she would leave college is having bad grades

Anonymous said...

If Emma is losing weight, I say she is doing it carefully for Your Voice in my Head. The main character in the book had an eating disorder toward very skinny. So that could be the preparation for that. It's better to get ready slowly when your body is taken this strongly in employment. I'm sure it is supervised

sparkvark111 said...

One cannot deduce eating habits whether a person is large or small from a picture. Emma is physically active person as she and has stated she dances, runs, and field hockey, when she has the chance, as well as trying many other sports and activities. She has or had a dance instructor work with her and I would not be surprised if she has a personal trainer as well.

Anonymous said...

Omg, she looks EXACTLY like her brother, Alex, there! It's almost scary!

Anonymous said...

Good roles are coming up for her. She can only thank harry potter for all the opportunities she has had. Per good fortune was she chosen to play the most beloved female character in the film world. In some ways even more beloved than harry himself.Noah and Your Voice....Head will be good films for next year. This year we have Perks and The End of the world to look forward to and maybe Kristy around Thanksgiving.