May 01, 2015

The Ridiculous Story of Emma Watson and the Weeping Fan

/!\ A few things first: this article is not meant to make fun of that man or stan over Emma. /!\

Since yesterday, you might have seen this beautiful edit made by someone from on social media.

The very sad story (should I say fanfiction?) behind this is apparently the one of a fan desperately wanting the autograph of his favourite actress in the whole world but being brutally rebuffed (thank you Cher) by who should be called "The Evil Witch" from now on. Leaving the poor man crying.

My guess is, coming from, it was meant as a joke. Problem is, lots of people seem to have taken it seriously and are now being annoying, acting like drama Kings and Queens.

The real story behind those pictures (based on the pictures and video released) is that Emma arrived at LAX, and was followed by several paparazzi, and by people like this man on the pictures, called in France autographs hunters, through the whole airport.

See? Not fans. Autographs hunters. Those people might not give a damn about the celebrity they're going after, they only want the autograph so they can get sell it. That's it.

Now concerning the last two pictures, well, didn't your nose ever itched, tickled? I mean, he seems pretty fine a couple of shots later.

Now, I'm not saying Emma is an angel who would never do such a thing. But if you really want a story about her refusing to sign autographs, I invite you to go back to December 2011 and read about her arrival at the Hong Kong airport.


Anonymous said...

How can you know, that this "crying" man is a autographs hunters? But nevertheless your article is really plausible.

Anonymous said...

Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi. Le gars ne pleure pas du tout, ce sont des types qui collectionnent les autographes pour les revendre sur ebay. Et donc, Emma a eu raison de ne pas s'arrêter, sans compter qu'il n'y avait pas de garde du corps avec elle et si elle avait commencé à signer, elle aurait facilement pu se faire encercler par cette bande de grand gaillard pas très rassurants :p
En revanche, je ne connais pas l'histoire de Hong Kong mais récemment, j'ai vu une courte vidéo d'Emma arrivant au défilé ... l'année dernière à Paris. L'entrée était petite, il n'y avait pratiquement personne, elle était entourée de son publiciste et garde du corps et il y avait un seule gars, tout seul et tout mignon qui semblait vraiment fan et qui lui a demandé un autographe d'un ton presque larmoyant et le gars m'a fait de la peine parce qu'elle ne l'a même pas regardé, alors qu'elle l'a limite frôlé. Et pour le coup, je l'ai trouvé un peu dégueulasse, ça ne lui aurait rien coûter de s'arrêter 15 secondes pour signer l'autographe d'un seul type et elle ne risquait franchement rien et n'était pas non plus spécialement pressée (les stars arrivaient au défilé les uns après les autres, à quelques minutes d'intervalles). Donc, elle fait tout de même parfois sa Queen ^^

Vevelty said...

Bonsoir, auriez vous le lien de cette video s'il vous plait? :)

Anonymous said...

What happened in 2011? Just curious.

Nicole said...

I went back and looked through December 2011 and although I read that Lancome canceled a special welcome for her as she didn't want to attend after her flight, I'm not too sure about the refusing to sign autographs part. Would any one know a bit more?
Thank you.

GoldenGemster said...

It seemed to me that he was wiping his nose on the back of his hand and not crying. Some of these people are just professional autograph hunters who then sell them on - I've seen Alan Rickman turn them away just because of that. I am totally against pushy autograph hunters and if I were collecting such things I would write to the agent of the filmstar concerned.

DG said...

What was the temperature outside? I bet you it was cold outside and he was whipping his nose.