March 06, 2016

Emma Watson and Geri Horner met to talk about feminism

For years, she was wary of calling herself a feminist, but then she met Harry Potter actress Emma Watson, who fronts the United Nations’ HeForShe campaign for gender equality.

‘Emma came over to my house for tea and cake. We started talking about feminism and she said that people don’t want to use the word feminist in case they don’t look popular.

'And I thought, “I can identify with that because it’s been wrongly branded in a man-hating, ugly fashion.” So I decided to look up the word. And that’s when I found it means equality for both men and women.’


Anonymous said...

Nothing comments about this
seem people are tired the feminism of emma

Anonymous said...

I seldom agree with any anons yet the one above me does have a valid point. There is such thing as too much of a good thing achieves the opp of its purpose. Many are influenced for a while then it starts to dwindle. Emma really ought to do more shoots,promos for her films this year and next. Less on the feminism stuff. A break from time to time is good to let her fans and followers to catch up.

Layla said...

I never get tired of it, its a fantastic cause keep going Emma :-) xx

Layla said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sorry i do not understand this very well
"I seldom agree with any anons yet the one above me does have a valid point. There is such thing as too much of a good thing achieves the opp of its purpose. Many are influenced for a while then it starts to dwindle. Emma really ought to do more shoots,promos for her films this year and next. Less on the feminism stuff. A break from time to time is good to let her fans and followers to catch up.

Anonymous said...

I think people are more tired of the negative comments that flood these articles that Eden posts.

Viatororis said...

I’m afraid I have to disagree with a few of these comments. Specifically, those suggesting Mrs. Watson step back from her “feminism stuff.” For some reason, people feel that if they watch someone’s movies, buy someone’s clothes or purchase a product they are endorsing, they somehow own a piece of that celebrity and can dictate what they should and shouldn’t do. Mrs. Watson is more than a face on a screen or a picture in a magazine. She is first, and foremost, her own person, and if she chooses to dedicate her time to a worthy cause, such as gender equality, instead of pursuing an acting career, then I say, good for her. As long as it’s a choice of her own making, and she is following her heart and doing what she believes is best, then who are we to say otherwise. I for one admire her strength and her courage and will follow her career, regardless of which path she takes.

Anonymous said...

Why you say this? It has not judged the feminist path emma has followed

Viatororis said...

If you are the “anonymous” who commented that fewer people are posting because they are growing tired of Mrs. Watson’s feminist activities, then sadly I have to agree with you. Furthermore, my post was not directed at you. Some people feel that Mrs. Watson owes them something, simply because they watched her movies. They see her solely as an actor, and nothing beyond that. They are not interested her in social advocacies.

However, if you are the “anonymous” who suggested she step back from her “feminism stuff” to promote her movies or do photo-shoots, then you can say my post might have been a direct response.

Unfortunately, if you use the tag “anonymous,” you are going to be lumped with every other individual who comments under that tag.

Anonymous said...

Conversely, I've seen more comments on Eden's blog since Emma's more recent feminist activities than ever before. Unfortunately, they tend to be people repetitively and inanely whining about Emma's heforshe campaign than anything productive or engaging. Thinking people should probably stop skimming the comments section altogether and just let them be a cesspool of the lowest form microbial life.

Anonymous said...

Yawn! I am following Saoirse Ronan- more interesting and more talented. I like a good film- who cares about this feminism bull? If you want gender equality, begin on your own doorstep and treat all genders with respect. Equality begins at home.

Anonymous said...

People don't "whining" about her campaign at all ! At the beginning it was very motivating and interesting but now it is just getting annoying because she seems to get to be more and more radical about this whole feminism thing. that is all ! The people who wrote here before...they didn't want to tell her what to do just because she was in movies.They just don't see the point now. And this "I am reading a book per week " nonsense... come on. As I wrote above, heforshe is a good idea, but its getting too much now.

I still don't know what the UN saw in her, what made them to choose Emma as their new ambassador..whatever.

Anonymous said...

I think EW is working very hard since some month, which show that she does care about gender injustice.
She wants to share her fight. What is the problem ?

The point about gender injustice is, in fact, very important. It's a topical issue around the world (for example, in France, where I live) and it's intensely debated. The best proof is the outcry from some people in the comments section.

Anonymous said...

Actually the best proof of gender oppression of men is this biological fact: natural distribution of births in our species is 60/40 male/female. Meaning that there should be 60% of men alive now and only 40% of our population should be female. But it isn't like that, it's close to 50/50 but there are still a bit more women than men. So why do you think that is? If by our very nature, if women and men had equally good lives there would be 60% males and 40% females in our society. So how come that isn't the case? Simply put, men have much harder lives than women in almost every way. They go to war, they do hard, dangerous jobs, they die more, they don't live as long, they are WAY more often victims of violence than women are. Men commit suicide 4 times as often as women. When in Britain couple months ago men tried to make a men's mental health day/suicide prevention day, they were stopped from doing so by whiny feminists who explained that one day for men is taking attention from women and shouldn't be allowed. That day on that university a student committed suicide. Even they are abused more online, and not by little much. There is a YUGE difference, but does anyone talk about that? No, why? Because women whine more. That's all there is to feminism. Nothing else. In almost all ways women have OBJECTIVELY better lives than man do, we can cite research and studies and statistics here to prove this. Women simply whine more. Look at Emma, she's a prime example of this. She is a woman, and we already established that women are in fact the most privileged group in any society ( because they poses certain values out of the box unlike men, like value of providing sexual pleasure/value of providing offspring, this gets them treated better than men in almost all situations), she's a woman and a white woman! White women are the MOST privileged group on this planet, she's young, she's healthy, beautiful, thin... On top of all that she's a multi-millionaire and super famous, and yet! And yet, she found a way to make it all about her and some imaginary oppression by some invisible boogeyman called patriarchy. You women are really something else...

Anonymous said...

It's not about « whining », it's about speaking for the victims of gender inequality (who are men and women).

The issue of men dying younger than women is fully a topic links to gender problems. In short, many social problems that women encounter are caused by the social education of men and the behaviour of men toward women because of this education.

The problems encounter by men, such as their bad health, are just as well the result of their education (for example, they are more reluctant to go to the doctor and they drink more) and biology.

In no way, women are the reason of men earlier death. We can't say the same thing about many injustices against women who are often the result of men actions (such as rape).

Anonymous said...

If you are speaking for women who are victims of gender inequality, go to Iraq, Iran,come to my country Afghanistan and get the woman out of that dam Burka. Stop the abuse against women there: the rape, the stoning. If feminism can bring an end to this heinous inequality and cruelety against women, then feminism should have a strong place in history. other than that, I agree with the long anon. You women in the west have nothing to whine about. You are pathetic! This feminism is a fantasy!

Anonymous said...

^ like saying since thousands of children starve to death in Africa, we better not bother to fix starvation in the West, since only hundreds of people (mostly elderly and children) die over here. Right.

I don't think that asking someone to take a half second to actually think about what they're writing is too much to ask.

Anonymous said...

Ig says
Rahel talked about feminism in the West not about starving children in Africa. The point is active feminism is where womenare truly hurting. I agree.
Care for the starving families in USA, people living in their cars. Common on feminists with millions, put your money where your mouth is.