Emma is getting too bogged down with nonessentials, but no new film in view after The Circle. It almost seems she is going to keep hitting the fashion and cosmetic mags. How boring!
She needs to decide what she wants. I could care a less what make up she wears or if she waxes her pubic hair. I am interested in seeing her in good film. Her waxing her pubic is nonessential. I almost fell off the chair when I read that. Nothing is private and anything to get attention.
Through a good friend a was able to watch Rupert Grint's Snatch; it was brilliant. The dialects were a bit off, but the the story and comedy were great.I also saw urban myth: also a wonderful take one what we have heard about people. Rupert plays a friend of adolf hitler. He really nails that role. I would love to see Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and Matthew Lewis in a series or film. Rupert, Emma and Matthew are the precious diammonds being cut.
Don't see ether term applies Eden. Emma seldom seeks attention never in fact unless it is for work or activism don't see why she should be disrespected over that.
Never does things like that Anon she does not have too. Why do you dislike her so much you feel the need to be unkind. Never understand that. Why not find someone you do like and say something supportive. Would that not be a better use of your time.
I totally understand getting sick of the hype surrounding a person but I don't understand why taking it out on the person him/herself rather than those creating that hype.
Concerning the pubic hair, to be fair she didn't talk about it, she only mentioned it like she mentioned her eyebrows "Iâll use that anywhere from the ends of my hair to my eyebrows to my pubic hair. Itâs an amazing all-purpose product.". It's not her fault people decided to take just those two words out of the whole article.
It was one comment in a long interview about feminine care.
And as to hyperbole she could not be accused of that. She auditioned 9 times to play Hermione Granger she has brought that dedication and commitment to everything she has done since and now she has once again proved herself the most accomplished movie professional of her generation people still harp on about comments she made during a promotional tour. We have journalists talking down to her because she is 26 even though she has far more experience.
What man in a similar position would be subjected to this I ask you. They wonder why she became a feminist!
I just waant to see her in more films. I could care a less what parfume, makeup, lipstick she wears. I rolled my eyes when they advertized what was in her purse. She could get away from this cliche thinking of what women like and work on perfecting her craft. She is a somewhat good, just good actress, but many are could for average movies, but few are excellent for the worthwhile films
Why should anyone in public media even mention waxing their pubic hair. These people should not complain when they are stalked. Pavlov's dog is salivating somewhere.
I watched Beauty and the Beast in Germany. Gaston was great. Emma was good at times, but she quickly tumbled back into flat. She really needs to take acting classes to help her release her emotions in a natural way. If she cries, I roll my eyes. She screamed because something startled- I thought please Emma. She really has to work on naturalness in a role if she plans on staying in acting. She may bring in the bucks from her HP fans but not the Oscar worthy film. I am not saying that it is not possible, I am saying though that her acting needs honing.
This has become one of those bash Emma threads. She speaks honesty works hard at whatever she does still she gets bile couched as "opposing" Views.
No matter if she is high or low the pattern repeats. Is it just envy and jealousy extraordinary and such a waste of time.
It is interesting to note I have not seen a male celebrity achieve what Emma has and face such criticism, and to be fair a lot of it comes from women!?!
It is true that Emma still has to grow up as an actress but Emma is not only that, she is an activist and has always been in the fashion world if only they can accept the part that is actress well but it is not necessary to criticize the other what she does.I really dont understand most of Haters or opponents of Emma, if she does something is a diva and wants attention but if she does not too, if they do not like her what they are doing them on a page about her, It's too much to see All the rubbish they write about her on tumblr and Twitter and now she has to put up with them on the fan pages of her. We as fans are aware that she needs to improve her performance, we are aware of her behavior, but although we do not agree with some things she does, we respect her and we only want her to improve and she is well, but it seems that part of knowing Respect and even criticize is missing more than one
I am the anon that wrote. I always liked Emma in HP and thought she did well as a child, to say that she needs to hone her skills in some areas is not being against Emma; in fact I am 100% for Emma and want to see her reach her potential as an actress: I believe she has that potential. All I am saying that if she wants to stay in acting she needs to do something for herself. There will come a time when the HP ride is booked with Creatures and where to find them actors. There are not that many good roles out there, and as far as I can tell, Emma is not getting any of them. I hope for a surprise soon. I am looking forwar to The Circle.
Constructive criticism is predicated on a preexisting relationship to act as a framework otherwise it is just putting a stranger down.
Someone you have never met criticise you and offers unsolicited advise how would you feel. She is a person and a sensitive one. Enough aggression in the world why add to it if you can't be supportive why say anything at all.
We see a film; we read a book; we criicize good or bad. An actor presents him- herself to the public eye in their craft. The consumer is allowed to say if he or she likes the art- even to say as an opinion what could make it better because person is still interested in investing in that art.
Ross, why can't you accept that Emma is not perfect in her craft. Is it so bad to say she needs to work on her art? Of course one can say nothing, keep fawning and eventually stay away from her films because her emotional presentation in a film does not improve. The best actors- with some exceptions went to RADA.LAMDA or Tisch at NYC. There is no shame in being educated in your craft. I literature education is great, but it is not developing the skill to be a good actor. Look at Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, they all got degrees in theater or drama and they are the best. Lou
No one was insulting Emma. I am just stating how I perceived her acting in beauty and the beast. You can't put a dress on a mare, but you can groom that mare and bring out her strength. Thank-you.
and everyone you all blow everything out of proportion her career is going great if you havent noticed most films including oscarbait are crappy, i quite like her filmography and any actress would kill to be in batb an lead a tom hanks film.
emma semms down to earth, stop picking apart everything she does like the pubic hair thing, was one sentence out of an entire article that she described her beauty routine.
and no she didnt leak her stuff on purpose shes been hack target for a long time even before the UN and people got mad at her for actually saying feminism is too often seen as man hating among other perfectly fine things, shes a goodwill ambassador and was a fair trade advocate and did charities long before then
i dont get the hype on all the hate, yea shes popular deal with it. she has a very good a career compared to everyone in hollywood her age. shes one of the few legit and relevant young actresses
Emma literally carried HP along with Rupert but she was a standout and was the best of the trio hands down and gave her character lightness and weight. Now she also killed the bling ring, completely amazing performance, and was very strong in Noah, Perks, Colonia and BATB. To me she elevates everything she is in, shes underrated as an actress, almost all actresses are completely worthless.
If anyone truly believes that EW is the only actress/celebrity that takes criticism they are living under a rock. There are plenty of celebrities/athletes/musicians who take criticism both male and female. EW is not alone in all this. In addition when you are someone who makes a living working in the entertainment industry you take the good criticism with the bad. Its how it works and there is nothing wrong with it. I give major kudos to Eden for allowing both good and positive critiques of Emma and her work. Afterall, this is a site dedicated to her specifically so if you are someone who is whining that there is criticism than you are naive with no sense of objectivity whatsoever. I would rather have the option to have varying opinions than to read nothing but over glorifying opinions with no sense of reality involved. Please Eden, never change.
Autumn? Spring just began!
The seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are opposite to the Northern Hemisphere...
Be our guest, be our guest, be our guest... I have no reason for this post just saw Em and started to sing đ
Ross, I'm afraid you have a clinical obssession, you are everywhere in the comments, always praising Emma. Disturbing.
Thanks for the concern Anon, but have you seen the film yet đ
Ross, you are in love - enjoy!
đ thanks Hazel
Emma is getting too bogged down with nonessentials, but no new film in view after The Circle. It almost seems she is going to keep hitting the fashion and cosmetic mags. How boring!
"nonessentials" a correct example of irony, you know what you say đ
It's because she is not sort after no matter what excuses she makes.
She is simply the best, singing again
She needs to decide what she wants. I could care a less what make up she wears or if she waxes her pubic hair. I am interested in seeing her in good film. Her waxing her pubic is nonessential. I almost fell off the chair when I read that. Nothing is private and anything to get attention.
don't delete the truth eden
Through a good friend a was able to watch Rupert Grint's Snatch; it was brilliant. The dialects were a bit off, but the the story and comedy were great.I also saw urban myth: also a wonderful take one what we have heard about people. Rupert plays a friend of adolf hitler. He really nails that role.
I would love to see Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and Matthew Lewis in a series or film. Rupert, Emma and Matthew are the precious diammonds being cut.
Don't see ether term applies Eden. Emma seldom seeks attention never in fact unless it is for work or activism don't see why she should be disrespected over that.
yeh right.....she shows her boobs and goes on and on about potter
wouldn't be surprised if her team staged the leak as well
Never does things like that Anon she does not have too. Why do you dislike her so much you feel the need to be unkind. Never understand that. Why not find someone you do like and say something supportive. Would that not be a better use of your time.
i don't dislike her i dislike all the hype around her
Why does she have to talk about waxing her pubic hair?
I totally understand getting sick of the hype surrounding a person but I don't understand why taking it out on the person him/herself rather than those creating that hype.
Concerning the pubic hair, to be fair she didn't talk about it, she only mentioned it like she mentioned her eyebrows "Iâll use that anywhere from the ends of my hair to my eyebrows to my pubic hair. Itâs an amazing all-purpose product.". It's not her fault people decided to take just those two words out of the whole article.
It was one comment in a long interview about feminine care.
And as to hyperbole she could not be accused of that. She auditioned 9 times to play Hermione Granger she has brought that dedication and commitment to everything she has done since and now she has once again proved herself the most accomplished movie professional of her generation people still harp on about comments she made during a promotional tour. We have journalists talking down to her because she is 26 even though she has far more experience.
What man in a similar position would be subjected to this I ask you. They wonder why she became a feminist!
no she become a feminist because its the in thing to do and raises her profile because so far her acting career has stalling pretty badly
I just waant to see her in more films. I could care a less what parfume, makeup, lipstick she wears. I rolled my eyes when they advertized what was in her purse. She could get away from this cliche thinking of what women like and work on perfecting her craft. She is a somewhat good, just good actress, but many are could for average movies, but few are excellent for the worthwhile films
Why should anyone in public media even mention waxing their pubic hair. These people should not complain when they are stalked. Pavlov's dog is salivating somewhere.
....wonder if she waxes her eyebrows ;)
I watched Beauty and the Beast in Germany. Gaston was great. Emma was good at times, but she quickly tumbled back into flat. She really needs to take acting classes to help her release her emotions in a natural way. If she cries, I roll my eyes. She screamed because something startled- I thought please Emma. She really has to work on naturalness in a role if she plans on staying in acting. She may bring in the bucks from her HP fans but not the Oscar worthy film. I am not saying that it is not possible, I am saying though that her acting needs honing.
This has become one of those bash Emma threads. She speaks honesty works hard at whatever she does still she gets bile couched as "opposing" Views.
No matter if she is high or low the pattern repeats. Is it just envy and jealousy extraordinary and such a waste of time.
It is interesting to note I have not seen a male celebrity achieve what Emma has and face such criticism, and to be fair a lot of it comes from women!?!
It is true that Emma still has to grow up as an actress but Emma is not only that, she is an activist and has always been in the fashion world if only they can accept the part that is actress well but it is not necessary to criticize the other what she does.I really dont understand most of Haters or opponents of Emma, if she does something is a diva and wants attention but if she does not too, if they do not like her what they are doing them on a page about her, It's too much to see All the rubbish they write about her on tumblr and Twitter and now she has to put up with them on the fan pages of her. We as fans are aware that she needs to improve her performance, we are aware of her behavior, but although we do not agree with some things she does, we respect her and we only want her to improve and she is well, but it seems that part of knowing Respect and even criticize is missing more than one
I'm personally thankful to anyone who saw the movie and decides to share their opinions here. There's nothing disrespectful with what Anon said.
I am the anon that wrote. I always liked Emma in HP and thought she did well as a child, to say that she needs to hone her skills in some areas is not being against Emma; in fact I am 100% for Emma and want to see her reach her potential as an actress: I believe she has that potential. All I am saying that if she wants to stay in acting she needs to do something for herself. There will come a time when the HP ride is booked with Creatures and where to find them actors. There are not that many good roles out there, and as far as I can tell, Emma is not getting any of them. I hope for a surprise soon. I am looking forwar to The Circle.
Ross, constructive criticism is an assett. If there is no good criticism no one really cares.
Constructive criticism is predicated on a preexisting relationship to act as a framework otherwise it is just putting a stranger down.
Someone you have never met criticise you and offers unsolicited advise how would you feel. She is a person and a sensitive one. Enough aggression in the world why add to it if you can't be supportive why say anything at all.
Ross, I find your constant fawning to be just as annoying as others posting petty criticism.
We see a film; we read a book; we criicize good or bad. An actor presents him- herself to the public eye in their craft. The consumer is allowed to say if he or she likes the art- even to say as an opinion what could make it better because person is still interested in investing in that art.
If that is the case why make the comments anonymously and why are there so many directed at the person not the work.
The actor creates the art. The consumer evaluates.
"Ross, I find your constant fawning to be just as annoying as others posting petty criticism."
Anonymous platitudes and insults take the debate is over.
truth hurts babe
How would you know anon. You have no idea what the truth is.
well i know your a middle aged man who is obsessed with emma...
So what why do you care so much
Ross, why can't you accept that Emma is not perfect in her craft. Is it so bad to say she needs to work on her art? Of course one can say nothing, keep fawning and eventually stay away from her films because her emotional presentation in a film does not improve. The best actors- with some exceptions went to RADA.LAMDA or Tisch at NYC. There is no shame in being educated in your craft. I literature education is great, but it is not developing the skill to be a good actor. Look at Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, they all got degrees in theater or drama and they are the best.
No one was insulting Emma. I am just stating how I perceived her acting in beauty and the beast. You can't put a dress on a mare, but you can groom that mare and bring out her strength. Thank-you.
Emma was amazing in batb
and everyone you all blow everything out of proportion
her career is going great if you havent noticed most films including oscarbait are crappy, i quite like her filmography and any actress would kill to be in batb an lead a tom hanks film.
emma semms down to earth, stop picking apart everything she does like the pubic hair thing, was one sentence out of an entire article that she described her beauty routine.
and no she didnt leak her stuff on purpose shes been hack target for a long time even before the UN and people got mad at her for actually saying feminism is too often seen as man hating among other perfectly fine things, shes a goodwill ambassador and was a fair trade advocate and did charities long before then
i dont get the hype on all the hate, yea shes popular deal with it. she has a very good a career compared to everyone in hollywood her age. shes one of the few legit and relevant young actresses
Emma literally carried HP along with Rupert but she was a standout and was the best of the trio hands down and gave her character lightness and weight. Now she also killed the bling ring, completely amazing performance, and was very strong in Noah, Perks, Colonia and BATB. To me she elevates everything she is in, shes underrated as an actress, almost all actresses are completely worthless.
If anyone truly believes that EW is the only actress/celebrity that takes criticism they are living under a rock. There are plenty of celebrities/athletes/musicians who take criticism both male and female. EW is not alone in all this. In addition when you are someone who makes a living working in the entertainment industry you take the good criticism with the bad. Its how it works and there is nothing wrong with it. I give major kudos to Eden for allowing both good and positive critiques of Emma and her work. Afterall, this is a site dedicated to her specifically so if you are someone who is whining that there is criticism than you are naive with no sense of objectivity whatsoever. I would rather have the option to have varying opinions than to read nothing but over glorifying opinions with no sense of reality involved. Please Eden, never change.
Passive aggressive trolling points for imagination at least Anon :)
Ah yes, when all else fails when one cannot engage in civil debate let the insults and name calling begin. Thats so feminist of you Ross. :)
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