About Hermione:
"She's so innocent, she’s so good, that anything in contrast to her looks like crazy. I wear a pair of ripped jeans and they are like, 'Emma Watson wearing ripped jeans, what would Hermione say?' it’s like so scandalous."
About playing another character:
"I didn’t know if I believed in myself yet as an actress, outside the role of Hermione, which I knew I could do, and I did for a long time. I didn’t know if I had other people in me or not. I did doubt myself a little bit. I think I’d just played one person, who in many ways was similar to my own personality, and I played her for ten years and I got so comfortable doing that, that the idea of coming out and playing somebody else was terrifying."
About Tom Felton:
"Between the ages of ten and twelve I had a really terrible crush on Tom Felton, to the extent that I would go into work in the morning and look down the numbers on the call sheet to see if he was going to be in. We love a bad guy, he was a few years older and he had a skateboard - and that just did it really. He totally knew (she had a crush on him) and the thing is that he’d tell everyone, ‘I see her in a younger, sisterly way,’ and it just broke my heart. It still does.'
She can be such an animated person if the interview goes well, I enjoy seeing the vast difference in her facial features.
I can't believe he said that to everyone. Poor baby Emma. Tom, you have no heart at all. I thought you knew how to treat woman. apparently not. How could you ?
haha i love you Tom xD
I love her hair-do in these pictures. But what an uncomfortable dress. Really. I can't believe she is wearing that, when she knows she has to be sitting down. She has to take care of how the dress is falling (open) all the time. Anyhow, she is lovely. The color of the dress is beautiful. And her hair is superbe!
The dress is not that revealing. I don't understand, it has a bit of a slit, but it does not show much. I think she needs to break out of the innocent Hermione stereotype.
I love the soft curl to her hair, pronounces the soft, classical lines of her face. What a beautiful young woman. She just looks good in anything from ripped jeans to a gown. I think she could even pull off beauty in a potato sack.
Why is everyone so anxious to connect emma to 50 shades of gray. She already has made a statement that she has not been approached. I hope she doesn't do that smut. The best actresses have kept themselves far from provocative sex scenes, which do not necessitate acting talent.
I love her dress! so beautiful
I don't like the way Ross made fun of Rupert. I am so glad that Emma did not blatantly laugh. It is these moments, when Ross gets cruddy. Rupert is a wonderful actor.
Thanks for adding the video, it's nice to see the context in how some of her quotes were said than simply reading about them in an article.
Emma cursed!!!! First time I've ever heard her curse before.
This isn't the first time. They also had to bleep her out when MTV did an interview with Emma, Logan and Ezra. The interviewer asked Logan and Ezra to say sentences in an English accent. Emma started laughing and said, "I can't f*cking wait!"
As someone who cusses a lot, hearing someone say "f*cked up" on a talk show isn't a big deal, normally. But because it's Emma, and we never hear her cuss, it's quite a big deal. It's almost refreshing. I love this interview. They seem a little funner with more adult conversations now that Emma's done with HP.
I for one am not a fan of this interview. Her dress is a tad revealing (not so bad) but I hate hearing her drop f-bombs. I was always able tor elate to her and look up to her, because she talks about positive self-image in young girls and how important being smart is and stuff, and swearing like that in an interview is a little hurtful for people who really look up to her. She can say whatever she wants at home and in private, but she does need to realize that there are people out there that look up to her. Why does everyone want her to be edgy and slutty so much and break out of the Hermione stigma? She likes Hermione - she's smart and has good values (yes she's bossy too, I know) but to establish herself as a talented actress she doesn't have to throw herself into a completely opposite spectrum, like cussing and dressing scantily. I am disappointed in her here. :(
Everyone really needs to calm down with Emma cursing. She's only said a few curse words. She's 22 years old and this isn't the 1800s, where people hear 1 curse word and they go hide in their houses. It's 2012! Plus, she's not Hermione Granger. Just because a character doesn't curse doesn't mean that she doesn't. Who knows how she really talks. I curse in my household a heck of a lot, but when I leave, you don't hear a curse word out of me. It's respectful. So she let a few by, WHO CARES!
I don't think cursing is unlady like in any way. It doesn't make her any less of a classy woman. It's a form of expression that is becoming more and more acceptable in the world.
@anon above ..Everyone really needs to calm down with Emma cursing.
I pretty much agree with your comment but still, that was bizarre when Emma said "you want to know if I am f -(bleep)-ed up".
I can't decide if it just slipped out or if she intended on saying it. Jonathon Ross didn't seem too suprised by it. It didn't sound natural, though, when Emma said it.
I am leaning toward premeditation and deliberation on Emma's part in saying the f' word in this situation. So therefore, I am with the other anon above. I am also dissapointed in Emma a little.
She is an actress and will do what she feel is necessary for the role. Some people do not know how to separate what she does on screen and what she does in her personal life. Some of your folks better get used to Emma being an adult or you might as well stop following her now. :|
The best actresses are not slutty in their poise and presentation of themselves physically or verbally. You can be a good actress without presenting a low image. Ross cut her off in it too. I kind of thought he set her on the pot in a gentle way.
I agree with 20 pm. Young Logan Lerman is a fine, already established actor, but I have never seen him act low in an interview. This young man always presents well with respect. That is how I associated Logan and Emma together. I hope she is not trying to create another image. She should just concentrate on being a good actress and be herself. But maybe being herself is being low- an image we are not used to seeing.
Why did she say that after he talked about being a child actress to developing into an adult. Her answer was crude. And her facial expression shows that that she really had missed the boat there.
I feel that some people want to keep Hermione in the china cabinet and pretend that Emma is should never do anything anyone else her age would do. Heaven forbid if she did anything sensual or curse or get married and have kids (that would mean that she actually had did it with someone), oh...the horror. :/
Totally agree, there are just some people who refuse to let go of Hermione and allow Emma to simply be her own person. And because Emma may not be exactly as they have built her up to be they hate anything remotely damaging to that image they have.
It is not a matter of wanting to keep Hermoine in Emma. I was not a Hermoine fan--rather a Ron fan. But I do believe that Emma is genuinely a good actress. A person doesn't have to be old fashioned in order to think that the F:::k word is low language and debasing. I always associate such vocabulary with people who lack words and ideas-- so give it a "ehh...eemmm..f...K this and f...K that or f....ked up." I hope Emma is not just trying to be IN with the big star crowd- cause some of their language skills are atrocious when they are not speaking practiced lines. Emma is just too educated for such low class. But maybe she doesn't really have class and 'poise' and it was all an act, and we are beginning to see her true colours. I don't know. Believe me, I am an Emma Watson fan, but I tend to choose actors that show high culture as she once said herself.
Good actresses don't find it necessary to act slutty, because they are climbing the ladder.
an actress thinks this way, believe it or not. (smile!)
I agree with those who think she doesn't need to curse and dress revealingly in order to get rid off Hermione's image. She does what she wants but taking different riskier roles would do the trick too. Lot of people are angry because she did it when she was herself(not playing a role) and she doesn't seemed the type to curse, it felt unnatural, fake. Cursing doesn't mean you are an adult now, she always gave the image of elegance and gracefullness and cursing on tv isn't what I associate with her. She won't be less because of it but she changed quite a lot recently. She's been more lively, open and outspeaking on interviews and award shows, she wears more reavealing dresses, and now she curses. She is changing, and it takes time to adjust. We will see where she goes from here.
I agree with sparkvark. let her be human! let her commit mistakes. let her show imperfections. accept her for who she is -> a person who is picking up the pieces of herself after a whirlwind childhood that some of us may never get a chance to see ir understand even just a glimpse of. she deserves the space to move around and mature as a person in her own way, in her own time and not in the way YOU think she should.
I agree, but to genuinely mean well for someone doesn't mean to say, just adjust sweety and present all the low life you want- we understand. I think she will lose out like that in the long run.
But is f....ked up maturing? I see it as a regression.
But Tom said in an interview that they never talked about it :(
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