Very rough transcription of Emma's parts by Watsonuncensored. Credit if you use it.
Emma, Claire Julien, Taissa Farmiga, Katie Chang, and Israel Broussard were interviewed by Josh Horowitz.
Emma: I had Claire printing out, like, LA slang sheets for me, and then try to translate, because I didn't know like "I'm down" or "that's so chill".
Taissa: We met a week before shooting and we had some scheduled bonding time to get to know each other.
Israel: Emma, during that week, you lost your wallet, didn't you?
Emma: So much drama shooting this movie. Yeah, we went shopping and someone stole my wallet, so that was fun. Maybe that's karma for my fake self.
Josh: Who would be the leader of this group if you were up to no good?
Emma: Taissa. Good girl exterior, very mischievious. This is like a perfect example of Taissa: so we're robbing... Sofia's like "We want to fake-film you robbing a house just to see the mistakes that you would make in the situation." So we're literally like, it's the middle of the night, we're climbing into this random person's house window, I'm not even exaggerating.
Katie: They knew we were there.
Emma: We're going, we take a few things and as we come out, Taissa's like "Let's get some food from the fridge!" Taissa! No! We have to get out of here! She was totally comfortable. Obviously.
Josh: Katie, you've never acted before, right? So it's kind of a big jump. Sofia Coppola, Emma. Was it intimidating from day one?
Katie: Yeah. Nothing could have prepared me for this. Like, the first day that I met [Emma], she didn't see me and I, like, waved stupidly to her. But once you get to meet them and you're less intimidated by how amazing they are, you realize that they're just there wanting to support you as much as you want to support them. It was scary, and it was weird, and ridiculous, but I think I got through because of them.
They play 'Never have I ever':
Josh: Never have I ever watched The Hills. (Claire, Taissa, and Katie raise their hands)
Josh: Never have I ever sung either Kanye or Rick Ross while driving in a car. (Everybody raise their hands)
Josh: Never have I ever broken the law. (Everybody but Emma raise their hands)
Josh: Never have I ever pole danced. (Claire, Taissa, and Emma raise their hands)
Emma: Mine was for the film. Claire taught me a bunch of moves.
Josh: So how though was that? Was it tougher emotionally like "Okay, I have to do this and people are going to watch me" or was is tougher physically to actually do the moves?
Emma: Great question. You have to be very physically strong to hold your own body weight and I really didn't have that core strength initially so that was pretty intimidating. And then also I'm just like a really awkward sexy person, so basically, me in the movie, the scene just turned into me kind of messing around because I think Sofia was like "We need to give her a break"
Talking about the accent:
Katie: It's pretty easy to nail down. I feel like, once you get to the rhythm of it.
Emma: It's easy for you to say, I struggled for months.
Katie: Besides Emma, it's very easy.
Josh: Emma nailed it I have to say.
*Josh makes Emma say stuff in a Calabasas accent*
Josh: Is it correct that Sofia Coppola had each of you create a vision board?
Emma: Taissa, Leslie, and I all had to make vision boards for getting into character for our roles in the movie. And I could not help myself, being Emma, and made my board, like, perfect. I was spending hours on it, really stressing out over it, and Sofia came in and she was like "I don't really feel like this is, I mean, that the images are what Nicki would choose, but it's a little too organized I think."
Josh: So what was on it?
Emma: We had pictures of Angelina Jolie, we had hot bods, we had a lot of designer items, a lot of juice cleanses. Nicki's very into those. Starbucks cups.
Josh: When you were little kids, who were the celebrities on your wall?
Taissa: Emma Watson.
Emma: Wait. As Hermione or myself?
Taissa: You!
Josh (to Emma): Did you have any celebrity worship growing up? You were in this early, did that change the way you looked at celebrities?
Emma: Yeah, I guess I... I don't know. I probably had, like, a vision time table schedules up on my walls, or something really lame like that. So no, I didn't really do the whole...
Josh: No worship thing.
Emma: No, I didn't.
Josh shows them pictures of reality TV stars and they have to find who it is:
*picture of Honey Boo Boo*
Emma: Honey Boo!
Josh: Emma, you finally got some credit. Are you actually watching Honey Boo Boo?
Emma: You know what? I don't know how I know that. It's there, in my memory, locked somewhere.
Josh: You don't have to feel ashamed. If you watch every single episode on loop, it's okay.
Emma: I know all the words.
Most embarrassing thing that happened on set:
Emma: So we're in this super cool nightclub, somewhere, and we were dancing, and I was so pumped up on adrenaline. I was like "Wow, something really just hurt my foot. I don't really know what's going on down there but we're filming and I keep going, that's fine". And I look down at the end of the take, and the whole of my shoe is just covered in blood and it was totally horrible. And Israel very sweetly ended up, like, carry me pretty much off the dance floor.
Josh: How did it happen?
Emma: Someone basically put that stiletto through my toe. Who knew partying could be so dangerous.
Fashion of the characters;
Josh: Was it different from your personal styles?
Emma: Big hoops. We were really into the hoops.
Josh: Did you absorb any of that? Did you adopt any of that into your wardrobe?
Emma: I occasionally sport some hoop earrings every now and again. Actually for the awards on Sunday night , I'm just gonna rock up and, like, some neon and some fake tan.
Josh: Whose closet would you want to grab a couple of pieces from?
Emma: Sofia Coppola's.
Josh: Are you guys as addicted to your mobile devices, facebook, everything, as your characters in the film?
Emma: I'm very into Pinterest these days. Very much like it.
Josh: Emma, I was looking at who you're following on Twitter. It's an eclectic bunch. You have everybody from Harry Styles, Santa Claus...
Emma: Santa Claus is a great one.
Josh: Santa Claus is good. Are you a One Direction fan? Is Harry a friend?
Emma: This is what I remember. So when I was doing The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Nick Grimshaw interviewed me for Radio 1, and he was like "Oh I went to see the movie last night with Harry Styles but we had to leave half way through the movie so you have to make sure he sees the second half." So I ended up... but no, he's not a personal friend of mine. I don't have him in my phone book.
About the dance moves in the trailer:
Josh: What's going on there?
Emma: I mean it's obvious! It's like the Beyoncé... I feel like it's a famous thing, no?
Josh: What's it like to work with Sofia Coppola?
Emma: Sofia was the reason I came to the project in the first place because I said to my agent "She's just someone that I really admire, I'd really love to take on something so different." And it's just an interesting subject matter, kind of like looking at and analyzing what celebrity culture... how it affects it. I got really into it.
About the trailblazer award:
Josh: What does it mean to you?
Emma: I was like "I don't deserve this. This is really too nice." It was meaningful to me because I really loved making Perks. It was a movie that was really special to me. And the award came, kind of after that movie, so I guess it feels like it's really related to that and that was really special to me so I was really honored and keep doing good work and not let anyone down I guess.
About the Best Kiss Award:
Emma: I just realized, because I was thinking so much about the trailblazer, and what I was gonna say, I was like "Oh, I have to write a speech, I have to say thanks, what am I gonna say?", but then I realized when I got to LA today, I was like "If we win anything else, I have no idea what I'm gonna say", so yeah, I should probably call Logan and try to figure it out, just in case.
Best shirtless nominees game:
*picture of Daniel Craig*
Emma: I feel like I should *raises hand* As the British person here.
Josh: You root for that one.
Emma: For Daniel Craig.
Social Media:
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