January 02, 2015

Summary of Emma Watson's time in Argentina [2014, December 3 to 20]

Here's a summary, made by yours truly (with the huge help of Pottershots and Lucy), of Emma's time in Buenos Aires and around, between the filming of 'Colonia', and visiting the city. I wasn't in the fandom when all this happened so there might be mistakes. Please correct me if you find any.

But before that, a new still from the movie and a picture from the crew and cast:

colonia-emma-watson-daniel-bruhl postimage

December 3: Emma arrived in Buenos Aires in the night. She stayed at the Hyatt hotel. (no pictures)

December 4: She filmed at Palais Rouge in San Telmo and was spotted at a supermarket.

Credits and/or sources: pottershots, JuanIChudnovsky

December 6: She filmed in Defensa and Alsina streest, in San Telmo. ALL PICTURES + tagged HQs

10817608_1527914247477268_1970173840_n 10844136_315756018630022_1608800647_n B4cFGKGCQAARtUV B4cFHInCUAAwGJ6 B4Mu9c4IAAAjSxh B4NdQYeIQAA40F- B4NGXxIIEAAFwuA B4OPkhUIgAIkRZi B4OpsTYIMAAI9lE B4OQxBUIgAAW7JB B4OXJPtIUAAFFIv B4PgNA5CMAAEVtn B4R5AByIQAAXIFl B4RhqTPIIAAvixT B4RikAoIMAEufic B4SMF5yIgAA6N1Z.jpg large B4SMJRFIYAE1iY0.jpg large B4SMJ_qIQAE0kJV.jpg large B4SMKABIAAAGBT9 B4SNrHhIMAE5ZZ8 B4SNy71IYAAAAxw.jpg large B4SNyXNIAAEyjbm.jpg large B4SNzdDIQAARr47.jpg large dfhyerwuy34 ehyetuyh erthrtjhrtj erty4y74u eyeruy grhrthuy46y rfgetyty535445 rtgjhrtsujhuj35 rtheryh rthreyu5e6u rthy46u5e6ui rtjhr4tujh rtjhrj43wt4 rtjryuj46iu5 rtjuyj rtujh4w6u rtyhrtu try46euy tumblr_ng6uwwQTIB1solvjmo10_500 tumblr_ng6uwwQTIB1solvjmo1_500 tumblr_ng6uwwQTIB1solvjmo2_500 tumblr_ng6uwwQTIB1solvjmo3_500 tumblr_ng6uwwQTIB1solvjmo4_500 tumblr_ng6uwwQTIB1solvjmo5_500 tumblr_ng6uwwQTIB1solvjmo6_500
Credits and/or sources: emmawatsonlover0, seulementfleur, julysanz, aguss_mendo, juanpllanos, fly_rules, potterzoneok, sofiortizx, pottershots, goldensnltch, romihauche, senzafran, ashuuenegron, emmawatsondaily

December 7: She filmed in Piedra and Irigoyen streets. GALLERY + tagged HQs

B4Sa7fJIEAIrKAy.jpg large B4SPxBHIMAAiUz5 B4SRUccIEAEk3TJ B4SRUj5IEAAifOw B4SVgRLIEAE1yMc.jpg large B4SVheAIMAAJsUC.jpg large B4SVieDIEAAzNW6.jpg large B4WAJuzIUAAYH35 tumblr_ng9j1k7mTa1rf9hn3o1_1280 tumblr_ng9j1k7mTa1rf9hn3o2_r1_1280 tumblr_ng9j5ja3GN1rf9hn3o1_1280 wet34t3w5y
Credits and/or sources: Susana_Mutti, nacho_del_cerron joacobadoza, Lautimolina_02, agustinaspadea, clarincomhd, pottershots, emmawatsondaily

December 8: She was spotted in Isla Demarchi, and shopping in Palermo Soho.

2014-12-08 Buenos Aires - 1 2014-12-08 Buenos Aires - 2
Credits and/or sources: lolipapalermo

December 9: She filmed in a market, in Barracas. (no pictures). She did pose with fans though.


December 10 and 11: She filmed at the aerial base, in El Palomar. GALLERY

10838838_652243434886095_2029738181_n 2014-12-10 B4gEawACMAAopb5 2014-12-10 B4giSX0IgAAYNFw 2014-12-10 B4gJPgWCIAAc3gn 2014-12-10 B4gWd6QIMAAtJwh 2014-12-10 B4gXghQIcAA3cnm.jpg large 2014-12-10 B4gXhIUIEAINcVe 2014-12-10 B4gYYpYIEAIFXyi 2014-12-10 B4hPouiCYAAnkWL 2014-12-10 B4hPqONCcAAXOuy 2014-12-11 B4iykpeIUAAFPLb B47H27YIEAAw0jo B47H4KaIAAEZ2pe B47H5OtIEAAMpPq B4nJsCWIQAAJrVf B4nt-a0IEAAycTJ B4nuCaWIAAA8X3P B4nuCYwIEAAvLAt B4nuD2RIYAA0pf8 dfghrtyrtuy
Credits and/or sources: pottershots, lucassalva, The____Tim, rochiikersevan, radiantecomoNYC, Karenncastelli, marcoszammataro, ramxnes_, dixagron, PabloTrifiletti, urgenteyalerta, MaguiCoria

December 12: She filmed in Vicente Lopez and La Boca. GALLERY

1984622 1984624 B4r8MBoIMAAL3Us B4rcnomIMAAb5sR B4rcoXvIgAAoQ3U B4rkqusIAAAFEfm B4rkRw_IgAAob5L B4rKvWzIEAACK05 B4rOQVxIcAAqnII B4rq4eTIEAAiP_3 B4rs60cIIAASptn B4rx0iTIQAAoiV4 B4s6A2zIYAExn4R B4szit9IgAA_kDK B4tTTVzIYAAVjIi B5TgoQ2IQAAxsd9 Colonia-Dignidad-1 Colonia-Dignidad-2 Colonia-Dignidad-3 Colonia-Dignidad-4 Colonia-Dignidad-5 Emma Watson 01 Emma Watson 02 Emma Watson 03 Emma Watson 04 Emma Watson 05 Emma Watson 06 Emma Watson 07 Emma Watson 08 Emma Watson 09 Emma Watson 10 Emma Watson 11 Emma Watson 12 Emma Watson 13 Emma Watson 14 Emma Watson 15 Emma Watson 16 Emma Watson 17
Credits and/or sources: hola, FranBeLarga, catapiche, Nachomerello, JuanMaschio97, MitiFux, Rama_Diaz, MeliBidegain, cineymas, emmawatsondaily

December 13: The filming took place at Ezeiza International Airport. (no pictures)

December 14: She had dinner at the Gran Bar Danzon.

December 15: She filmed in Monserrat. (no pictures)

December 16: Another day of filming in Monserrat.

1492613_10202236984885942_7258887114407210507_o B5BkM19IgAAdEUw B5BkM1jIcAAlKTj B5BkMxFIUAAfJK0 B5BMK9ZIIAApTt1
Credits and/or sources: vero_gimenez13, Martu_Aleman

December 17: Third day of filming in Monserrat. GALLERY

10534350_745239222236186_822974746_n 10838353_1509349369345238_1822291612_n 10848185_739135862834502_1016353124_n 10853150_415697131914158_1672133641_n 1461566_10205775221206787_8480879489153253408_n B5ELM-bIYAEFX8o B5ELM-JIUAANdOv B5ELM86IgAECTIZ B5FtH94IAAEzK3V B5G5cFhIUAEIBfm B5GXD-oIEAE1Mut Emma Watson 01 (1) Emma Watson 02 Emma Watson 03 Emma Watson 04 Emma Watson 05 Emma Watson 06 Emma Watson 07 Emma Watson 08 Emma Watson 09 Emma Watson 10 Emma Watson 11 Emma Watson 12 Emma Watson 13 Emma Watson 14 fwerf4t4t grthrtyre6yu rthrthy4y Sans titre 3- Sans titre 4 Sans titre 5 Sans titre 6 tryhrur6u ytu56u56 yukjtyi67
Credits and/or sources: emmawatsondaily, pottershots, nanuchag, danielacastello, joacobadoza, chucossar, LuliKeane, dixagron,

December 18: She was filming at the Huracan stadium, in Parque Patricios. It was the last day of shooting.

10299544_10204669017059722_7703996605869038075_n 10646634_10204669016459707_6720862534924281129_n 10859963_378665955633458_577985858_n 10860152_1580604738837518_1768711355_n
Credits and/or sources: malurocca, dani0s

December 19: 'Colonia' wrap party

Credits and/or sources: dani0s

Random pictures and facts:

Emma hugging a fan:


A fan who's apparently the same girl who took the video these screencaps (taken by Masista on Pottershots) come from:

2014-12-11 1 2014-12-11 10 2014-12-11 11 2014-12-11 12 2014-12-11 13 2014-12-11 14 2014-12-11 15 2014-12-11 16 2014-12-11 17 2014-12-11 2 2014-12-11 3 2014-12-11 4 2014-12-11 5 2014-12-11 6 2014-12-11 7 2014-12-11 8 2014-12-11 9

Before you ask: the video has since been deleted and I don't have it.

Her chair:


And some purchases she made while in the country:

1 2

- Emma´s team invited some lucky fans to drink tea with them.
- Emma went to a show of tango and tried to dance it.
- She visited La Recoleta Cemetery, La Boca, Palermo, and a couple of places more.
- Fans got invitations to see the filming. They said Emma and Louise (her assistant) were doing weird and funny faces, with their tongues out.
- She had planned on signing more autographs one day but Denise told the fans Emma had fallen asleep inside the trailer.
- Before leaving the country, she left signed books and pictures at the hotel for fans.
- She loved the Argentinian ice creams and wanted to drink cold chocolate on her last day of filming.
- She would have liked to meet more fans but had little free time.
- She, Louise, and Charlotte (her make-up artist / hairstylist) were having a lot of fun and were laughing a lot during breaks.
- She loved Buenos Aires but felt uncomfortable because of the hot weather (28-30 °C).
- She was listening to Taylor Swift's '1989' all day.
- She wants to come back during her next vacations to see the South of the country.
- She asked to always have wifi and not to be disturbed when she was resting.
- She will go to Chile to continue the filming around mid-January.
- She got upset when a cleaning girl filmed her because she was changing clothes, but she didn't make a big deal out of it.
- From Lucy: "Emma signed my book and Louise mailed it to my house!"

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