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Were you there, Eden??
Nope :( I live too far from Paris.
Oh I forgot about it !
Love the dress.
However, I pitty them for the heat right now in France, must have been a bit dreadful outside.
Do you think she spoke on stage in French since she speaks the language?
Thanks for the pics, she looks happy/relaxed.
Does anyone know if the onstage interview was conducted in French?
I love the dress, in fact I love the whole look, despite a glamorous dress Emma looks so natural which I think suits her best. I wonder if there is a premiere in Berlin, Warsaw, Prague or Budapest as I am visiting those cities over the next three weeks.
She looks very relaxed and happy which is good.
She looks gorgeous. From what I can tell The Circle seems better received in France. Eden, can you say something about how the film is receive in France?
From what I've seen only few people liked the film.
No, she did not speak French on stage, she just said "bonjour"
A 14th picture from the end is by who?
karayoshimotobua on instagram. She sometimes does Emma's make-up when Charlotte Hayward can't.
No, she did not speak French on stage, she just said "bonjour"
Thank you.
Interesting in the other video posted she also speaks English.
Maybe I'm wrong but I thought Emma at least had good conversational French.
If true little disappointed she didn't make a greater effort.
I'm sure any slip-ups would have been overlooked.
Have you seen the film Eden? Emma really needs to develop sharper skills in choosing scripts. She should have read the book first, which in itself had a weak ending. I thought it was funny, poked at some dangers that need to be dealt with, but in itself the story was too extreme in every way. The sexual innuendos were pre adolescent. But maybe Eggers wanted to push that view of people, who only live with the blue light- like the man who won to get married to his computer. Where is the psychiatrist?
The film's out in about 3 or 4 weeks where I am so I haven't seen it yet. But most people say the ending was bad.
She's incredibly beautiful and elegant! I watched the movie and I think is very good, interesting, and creepy. And Emma's performance is simply brilliant!
I read and enjoyed the book, but it was definately flawed. It is like the Twilight series: the books are not well written at all. The last book was staged in the living room most of the time because the Cullens could not sleep- you know being vampires. I always wonder how such book become bestsellers; it is not because of literary competence.
She's English. Why should she speak French?!?! English is universal language so I guess you french guys have to learn English. Not the other way round! ;-)
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