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Some quotes from the exclusive Interview :
“I’ve never understood having crushes on people who you don’t know in real life. I only crush on people I meet. I mean, I can appreciate that someone is good-looking, obviously, but I don’t intend to fantasize about people I don’t know!”
“I try to avoid wearing black because sometimes it’s the easy option. But I’m young, so it’s nice to be able to play with color and not just wear black all the time. I can save that for when I’m older.”
“I dance a lot and I run and do yoga and play field hockey and tennis. I like to be active. I don’t always have time for that stuff, but I do always feel better afterward.”
“If I hadn’t done Harry Potter, I would have gone and done years of art. I really do love it, and I’d love to write.”
“Reducing your life down to three pairs of jeans, two skirts, a couple of shirts, and a few pairs of shoes was so nice for me. I really loved living in this tiny room where I didn’t’ have space for anything. It sounds really lame, but it made me feel a lot more free, because I just didn’t have as many choices.”
“I still have friends from primary school. And my two best girlfriends are from secondary school. I don’t have to explain anything to them. I don’t have to apologize for anything. They know. There’s no judgment in any way.”
“Most of my friends are doing their third year abroad so I might do my third year abroad as well, and then come back for my last year. I hope I could do that.”
Source : Seventeen
Looking good Emma! Like the hair better this way, as opposed to the slicked back look. Just the right amount of makeup too.
Wow she looks awesome, that hair style is very nice
What country is this mag from? Everytime she does seventeen magazine, it's usually from Singapore or some other foreign country where the mag is impossible to find on ebay. Is this issue the American one?
I don't know what,but there is something at this Shoot I don't like :/
it looks more like Emma than this Vogue,but at a different Point not like Emma again
As usual, the behind the scenes video is better than the actual photo shoot. Still, it is a pretty good photo shoot overall.
I really do think that Emma should wear more red! It is perfect on her (In my opinion of course) these two (when she's wearing red) are my favorite !
What month is this? And is it US?
yes it's US and emma is on the cover of august..
i like the two with the red top the most. these pics feel more personal.
Where is Eden?
The first picture lighting is strange in my opinion, but she looks good and natural. I like the pictures with the red shirt very much too!
As per the first quote I have to comment since it is fresh in my mind since I read it somewhere else but did she not have a huge crush on Brad Pitt for years? She met him later but still. I think she understood that crush thing. Maybe she forgot.
C'est tjrs bien lorsqu'on a le droit aux behind the scenes des photoshoots.
J'adore quand elle essaye de parler avec l'accent americain et qu'elle éclate de rire ensuite XD J'ai tjrs bien aimé son rire. Elle est adorable dans cette video.
This is sweet! Totalement adorable!
Eden I saw this in pottershots. Im sure you'll respond to it when you see it.
Someone tweeted, Saw @EmWatson get so drunk that she got naked n climbed the fence to go into the swimming pool at my friend's hotel.......10 hours ago via web. person's from pittsburgh...
lol funny. hopefully someone took pictures.
As to the above comment I very very very very very very much doubt it. People make stuff up on twitter all the time...
She looks great in the photoshoot! Also to a poster above re crushes I think she means since she's kinda grown up, she was about 12/13 when she met Brad Pitt.
Also re the ridiculous tweet, yeah sure she did, and not one person knowing something like that would be worth an absolute fortune bothered to take a picture or film it! People make stuff up all the time!
yes people make stuff up all the time and emma happens to be one of them. =)
and those people are not older than 15,they had really though childhood,and they need a good psychologist
OK, Echee ... we get it! Emma may embellish her ancecdotes or elaborate too much responding to an interview question (which bites her in the ass later sometimes)
I have to ask, though, did you watch the video? I am not some obsessed fan, but ...
She has something! I hate to inform you but she is real deal!
No one in the world can fake that level of refinement, sweetness, unassuming beauty, charm, raw personality, intrigue, magnetism and enchantment.
She will redefine herself post Hermione and do very well as an actress, completely on her own terms. She may be in a few Harvey W. movies, but only because she wants to, not because she has to...
lol @ anon above me. she's an actress and she lies.
"No one in the world can fake that level of refinement, sweetness, unassuming beauty, charm, raw personality, intrigue, magnetism and enchantment."
But somehow its not enough for her love life. It's that darn fame wall. It's an act. Emma said Hermione in the last Potter movie was more like her and that hermione was sulking mess.
Oh Echee, please go find someone you actually like, preaching to people on fansites is an utterly pointless activity. Lots of very nice, genuine and good looking people I know are single, for various different reasons such as one works extremely long hours, one travels with their work etc. These things happen, that's life. My absolute favorite aunt is single, she's successful and very pretty but she's had absolutely no luck with men, others that I don't actually like are married. Being single doesn't mean there's something wrong with you.
The vast amount of people who have met Emma like her, that includes people who have no reason to say so unless it's true and some journalists who would sell far more newspapers for saying she's a bitch. Most fans have reported positive experiences with her (which isn't always the case with celebs, I've been a fan of a couple of people until I've met them and they were awful). Work colleagues have also said good things about her. In the 11 years she's been in the spotlight the vast about of people have said she's nice, no credible source has said otherwise. Of course as she's an actress you always get the occasional diva story in a tabloid, I'm friends with an actress from the UK and she gets called a diva in the papers occasionally and a nicer woman you could not meet. From 11 years of people predominantly saying that Emma is quite nice, including a friend of mine who went to uni in Oxford and bumped into her a few times, I'm going to give Emma the benefit of the doubt and say she might actually be quite nice. There isn't a mass conspiracy between people that have met her, my friend and most journalists. Though she might not be a saint I'd imagine Emma is reasonably nice.
Well said Anon above. That sums things up nicely. If Emma were the hypocritical, duplicitous, mega diva bitch that Echee claims, she wouldn't be so well liked by everyone. She may have had some rough moments filming Potter when she was tired and cold and maybe a little bitchy, but it really seems like the vast majority of people she has worked with making movies, in fashion, etc. genuinely seem to like her. She signs a lot of autographs, poses in pictures with fans, talks with fans. It sounds like she got along very well with the extras while filming Perks. There is no way it is all an act. She is a nice person.
the vast amount of people are die hard fans and people that want to make money off potter using "hermione" and just because she looks cute and innocent and "acts" that way does not mean she is. Smoke and mirrors as one anon put it.
My friend does not like Harry potter and no opinion on her before meeting her. Journalists would sell far more papers saying the leading lady from Harry potter is a bitch. Your argument doesn't stack up. Not everyone that's met Emma has previously worshipped her, and yet they've liked her. For example someone like Giles Hattersley of the Sunday Times would have no reason to say he liked her if he didn't, he has made it clear when he's disliked people he interviewed and they were very very big stars. No credible source has ever reported anything other than that she's been nice. The vast majority of extras on perks said she's lovely, they would have got far more attention for saying she's a bitch. Too many from all sorts of backgrounds and perspectives and professions have said she's nice for her to be otherwise. There is no mass conspiracy.
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